Fierce “Husband” – Chapter 228

That morning, Dai Zhanxiao had just mentioned Military Advisor Cao, and now he had arrived. Wang Shijing looked at Dai Zhanxiao, wondering if it was about Wang Zhisong. He lifted the curtain, and Dai Zhanxiao and Military Advisor Cao saluted again before entering the tent.

“Madam Wang Shao.”

“Good morning, General Dai, Military Advisor Cao.”

Brother Tiger lifted his eyelids and quietly lay on the bed, his soft belly protecting the sleeping little crown prince and little Xingyi.

Seeing Shao Yunan about to make tea, Military Advisor Cao immediately said: “No need to trouble you, Sir. I have come with a request.”

Military Advisor Cao was a confidant of Dai Mingrong, but military advisors did not hold official positions. Thus, his attitude towards Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan was much more cautious than Dai Zhanxiao. Hearing this, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan were very surprised. What could make Military Advisor Cao come with a “request”? Wang Shijing immediately asked: “What matter does Military Advisor Cao need assistance with?”

Military Advisor Cao first bowed and then explained his purpose. It turned out that Military Advisor Cao was not seeking help with a matter, but rather with a person.

Jiang Moxi, Wang Qing, and Nizi were strolling around the military camp. When they passed by the crafting camp, Shi Qiang had no intention of taking them inside for a tour. While Wang Qing and Nizi didn’t think much of it, Jiang Moxi refused to leave. As the head of the private workshop, Jiang Moxi knew at a glance what the place was for. The crafting camp wasn’t a secret in the Tiger army camp, it was just a sub-division, with the main production happening in the city. Shi Qiang didn’t take them in because the crafting camp was filled with low-ranking auxiliary soldiers, craftsmen, and laborers, and it was dirty and chaotic, unsuitable for the three young nobles.

However, Jiang Moxi turned on his heels and walked into the crafting camp without asking for permission. Wang Qing and Nizi, always following their elder brother’s lead, went in as well. The arrival of the three young nobles threw the crafting camp into disarray. The camp’s captain hurriedly came to greet them, but Jiang Moxi ignored him and headed straight to where the craftsmen were busy. The captain was certainly displeased but dared not show it.

Wang Qing and Nizi didn’t mind the dirt; they were just curious. But Jiang Moxi was different. After looking around the crafting camp, Jiang Moxi asked Shi Qiang to take Wang Qing and Nizi away because he wanted to stay. When Wang Qing and Nizi refused to leave, Jiang Moxi didn’t say much. He rolled up his sleeves and asked for paper and a pen.

Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan didn’t know exactly what knowledge Jiang Moxi had acquired, but it was a fact that the private workshop successfully developed gunpowder and created many “advanced weapons” such as machetes, long knives, light crossbows, heavy crossbows, and repeating crossbows. This matter was kept secret from the public, but it couldn’t be hidden from Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan. Wang Shijing had no involvement in the private workshop, it was entirely managed by Jiang Moxi and General Dai. With the head of the private workshop personally giving guidance in the crafting camp, the results were predictable.
The captain, initially displeased, changed his attitude completely after Jiang Moxi sketched a dagger design. He quickly sent someone to report to the commander, but the commander had left, and the young commander had gone to Kuye Pass. The only person who could make decisions was the commander’s most trusted advisor, Military Advisor Cao. Upon receiving the news, Military Advisor Cao immediately went to the crafting camp. He then ordered the crafting camp to go into lockdown, allowing entry but no exit for the craftsmen. Afterward, he hurried to “borrow” someone.

“Duke, I humbly request permission for Young Master Jiang to provide guidance in the crafting camp.” Military Advisor Cao performed a grand gesture of respect. Dai Zhanxiao had known about Military Advisor Cao’s intention from the beginning and understood well what someone like Jiang Moxi meant to the Tiger army. After Military Advisor Cao spoke, Dai Zhanxiao immediately added: “Duke, Sir, Young Master Jiang is exceptionally talented and exactly what our Tiger army needs. He need only provide guidance when he has time.”

Wang Shijing raised his hand to signal Dai Zhanxiao to hold his horses and then said: “If Jiang Moxi is willing to go to the crafting camp, I will leave it to him. However, this matter must not be publicized. Jiang Moxi is a prodigy, highly valued by the emperor, and his safety must be guaranteed.”

Military Advisor Cao and Dai Zhanxiao were immediately thrilled. Dai Zhanxiao thumped his chest and assured: “I swear on my life to ensure Young Master Jiang’s safety! Duke, Sir, your magnanimity deserves my utmost respect!”

Wang Shijing quickly reached out to support him and said: “To be honest, General, I am also very curious about the crafting camp. May I visit it?”

“I couldn’t wish for anything better!”

Dai Zhanxiao acted swiftly and took Wang Shijing with him, followed by Military Advisor Cao. Shao Yunan showed a satisfied smile, thinking that the timing was indeed perfect. Just as Brother Jing wanted to improve the army’s conditions, Military Advisor Cao handed over the crafting camp. The camp housed a large number of skilled craftsmen in various fields. With Jiang Moxi there, Brother Jing might actually achieve his goals.

This was something Shao Yunan couldn’t help with directly, so he left Tiger Brother to guard outside and entered the space to organize and categorize all the books that Wang Shijing and Jiang Moxi might need.

Wang Shijing and Jiang Moxi didn’t return until the evening, and Wang Qing was nowhere to be seen, only Nizi came back for lunch. Shao Yunan prepared lunch and sent it to the crafting camp for the three of them. He also made a large pot of boiled meat slices as an extra dish for the craftsmen.

The Tiger army deeply respected the Loyal and Brave Duke and his spouse. Only Madam Wang Shao would personally cook for them. Wang Shijing couldn’t spare time to chat with his old comrades and dived into work at the crafting camp with Jiang Moxi. Although Wang Qing didn’t understand the technical aspects, he insisted on staying in the camp to learn. For scholars, craftsmen were of low status, so Wang Qing’s determination as the heir to the Loyal and Brave Duke earned him much admiration.

In the evening, Wang Shijing, Jiang Moxi, and Wang Qing returned, ate their dinner without looking up, and asked to enter the space. Shao Yunan had already drawn the curtains, indicating he wanted to rest early, and sent everyone (including the tiger) into the space, leaving himself outside. The next morning, he brought them out. With Wang Shijing in the space, there was no worry about Little Xingyi and the little prince being unattended.

The commander remained “missing,” making Shao Yunan and Nizi the most idle people. Shi Qiang became a babysitter, taking Nizi around the camp every day, even taking her horse riding, and he was quite happy about it. Was Nizi well-behaved, and the snacks in her bag kept him well-fed and willing. Nizi wasn’t upset that her brothers weren’t accompanying her. After the novelty wore off, she obediently helped her little father take care of her two younger brothers, assisted with cooking, practiced the zither, and did her homework.

Seven days later, the “missing” commander Dai Mingrong returned, looking haggard with dark circles under his eyes, unshaven, and clearly underfed, almost scaring the soldiers. But the light in his eyes was unprecedentedly intense. Upon his return, he went straight to find his son. After half a day of private discussions in the command tent, Dai Mingrong called his personal guard, handed him a locked wooden box, and ordered him to deliver it to General Dai Mingjun at Kuye Pass as quickly as possible.

Senior officers, led by Dai Zhanxiao, requested to see the commander. Since the commander had been absent, the military supplies remained untouched. The secret weapons brought back by Dai Zhanxiao were stored in a secure place known only to Dai Mingrong and Dai Zhanxiao. Dai Mingrong held a closed-door meeting with his longtime generals.

That day, Shao Yunan didn’t see his father and Dai Zhanxiao, or any of the generals. Late at night, Dai Zhanxiao left the camp with a hundred elite soldiers, carrying thirty carts of supplies to an unknown destination. The next day, Wang Shijing sought an audience with Dai Mingrong. The two men discussed in private for most of the day. Afterward, Dai Mingrong convened another closed-door meeting with the generals. After Dai Zhanxiao returned from Kuye Pass, Dai Mingrong organized a military competition among all the troops, including the vanguard army. From this, he selected the most elite thousand soldiers to form a special camp, led by Dai Zhanxiao. The vanguard army was temporarily commanded by Dai Zhanxiao’s adjutant, Shi Qiang’s elder brother, Shi Zhuang.

Once this special camp was formed, Dai Zhanxiao led them out of the Tiger Army camp, with Wang Shijing accompanying them. At the same time, a secret document detailing the formation and training plans of the special camp was sent to Kuye Pass. General Dai Mingjun used the same method to select a thousand soldiers from the Flying Eagle Army to form a special camp, led by Dai Zhanli, Dai Mingjun’s eldest son and Shao Yunan’s cousin.

In the capital, urgent letters from the border kept arriving at the East Palace, bringing joy to Emperor Yongming each time. One evening, just as it was getting dark, an urgent report from Tiger Pass arrived. The emperor, who was dining with the empress, didn’t even wipe his mouth before hurrying to the East Palace. Shortly after, a eunuch arrived at the Palace, summoning the empress.

When the empress entered the East Palace, she heard Emperor Yongming’s excited voice: “Qiyou, come quickly and see! The general sent me a great gift!”
The emperor was so delighted he called out the empress’s name. The empress hurried over, asking: “What gift has made the emperor so happy?”

Emperor Yongming handed over a stick of varying thickness and said: “Take a look.”

The empress took it, puzzled. “What is this?” A flute? It didn’t look like one.

“Look from here,” the emperor instructed, holding the stick and showing the empress where to look. The empress raised the stick, still confused about what he was supposed to see.

As Emperor Yongming slowly rotated the lower part of the stick, the empress’s previously blurry vision gradually cleared. He exclaimed in surprise, turning his head: “Emperor!”

With a mischievous smile, the emperor gently guided her hands and showed her how to rotate the stick. Once the empress fully understood the device, he couldn’t contain her excitement, rushing to the window and pushing it open to look through the stick again. The emperor embraced her from behind and whispered in his ear: “Qiyou, can you see the palace walls?”

The empress, too excited to speak, nodded. Though he wasn’t sure if the distant lights he saw were on the palace walls, he knew he could see very far.

Lowering the stick, the Empress turned around, realizing the importance of this invention.

“Emperor! This—this—”

“Qiyou, don’t get too excited,” the emperor said, hiding his own excitement. “I know what you’re thinking. Haha, I never expected that the Loyal and Brave Duke and his husband would bring us so many surprises from the border.” Lowering his voice, he added: “This is something Wang Shijing and Jiang Moxi developed together. They call it the ‘Thousand-Mile Eye.’ Wang Shijing requested to stay longer at Tiger Pass, and I approved.”

The emperor’s last words were spoken with some reluctance. The longer Wang Shijing stayed at the border, the longer it would be before the crown prince returned. Though the emperor missed the prince, he knew that some matters were more important.

The empress shook his head. “Emperor, after all these years, don’t you know me? Even if the prince must stay at Tiger Walk Pass for five or ten years, as long as it benefits our Great State of Yan, I have no objections.”

Emperor Yongming embraced the empress tightly. “I knew Qiyou would understand. Qiyou, I am very happy, very happy.”


The two embraced tightly.

Five days later, a censor reported to the emperor that a river embankment in Jiangnan Province had collapsed, flooding a nearby village. Fortunately, there were no major casualties. The censor accused the Ministry of Works of negligence. Emperor Yongming ordered a thorough investigation. Within ten days, more than a dozen officials from the Ministry of Works, including the minister and deputy minister, were demoted or imprisoned.

Kang Rui, the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Rites, was transferred to the Ministry of Works as the minister. After the spring hunts, a batch of newly appointed scholars was selected and entered the Ministry of Works, filling the vacancies. The emperor urgently appointed Jiang Kangning, the prefect of Cangnan Prefecture, as the minister of the Ministry of Revenue. The son of Duke Lu, Su Jinan, was appointed as the prefect of Cangnan, while the former minister of revenue was transferred to the cabinet. Once all the officials were in place, Emperor Yongming summoned the ministers of works, military, and revenue. The Ministry of Revenue provided funds, the Ministry of War offered support, and the Ministry of Works was handed a large stack of blueprints by the emperor. They were to produce the items depicted as quickly as possible.

At the end of July, the Great Khan of Huhar once again demanded the exchange of Khan Keqin as per the agreement between the two countries. In mid-August, Wang Shijing, in his capacity as the Loyal and Brave Duke, exchanged Khan Keqin at a location twenty miles from Tiger Pass. The Huhar Kingdom paid a significant price, including three thousand hides, five thousand cattle, and sheep, two million taels of silver, and numerous other tributes to secure Khan Keqin’s return.
In mid-August, the Huhar Kingdom launched an attack on the Great State of Yan. In the same month, Princess Wu Uzhen led fifty thousand warriors from the Great Mountain Tribe to support Tiger Pass.

Edited by: Jaisland



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  1. hashi

    hello! do you have a discord? >.<

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