Fierce “Husband” – Chapter 218

On that day, everyone who attended the wedding would never forget the scenes they witnessed. The Yunlong Restaurant’s hall was newly decorated. Despite it being the depths of winter, the hall was filled with fresh flowers! Red was everywhere, even the stage was decorated, with a large red “Double Happiness” character hanging in the center. The unique and innovative decorations immediately caught everyone’s attention.

As the auspicious hour arrived, King Luo Rong stood alone on the stage in the restaurant hall. Jiang Kangchen, inexplicably dressed in formal attire, also stood on the stage. Emperor Yongming quietly asked: “Did Guo Zimu run away?”

Shao Yunan mysteriously replied: “Your Majesty, you will know soon.”

Emperor Yongming grunted, feeling slighted that something was kept from him.

At that moment, a tune no one had ever heard before began to play, and everyone looked towards the corner where a group of musicians was seated. There were players of the guzheng, pipa, yangqin, zither, and flute. This was the “ancient version of the wedding march” that Shao Yunan had requested his adoptive father to compose based on a tune he hummed.

Suddenly, a gasp was heard, followed by a growing chorus of exclamations. From the direction of the side door leading from the restaurant to the backyard, a wave of excitement spread towards the main table, even causing a few seconds of confusion in the wedding march being played.

At the side door, Guo Zimu, having changed into new attire, held his hand up, being led by his elder brother, Guo Ziyu, who also had his hand raised. Wang Qing and Nizi, dressed in festive clothes, each held a flower basket and threw handfuls of flower petals as Guo Zimu walked.

Guo Zimu’s hair was styled and adorned with a golden glass crown. His wedding robe was not the common one he wore when he left Loyal and Brave Marquis’ residence but a magnificent red robe. As a male spouse, his wedding robe had a slight skirt to indicate his role in the marriage.

Guo Zimu’s robe appeared to be a long male robe from the front, but at the back, it had a long train. A phoenix seemed to soar from flames, with the train representing its tail feathers or wings. Guo Zimu’s unparalleled face was fully exposed, and as he walked, he resembled a phoenix ready to take flight.

A woman couldn’t help but exclaim: “The clothes are inlaid with gems!”

Guests close to Guo Zimu widened their eyes in amazement. As they saw clearly, the phoenix on his robe was embroidered not just with gold thread but with countless pearls and gemstones. The entire surface of Guo Zimu’s wedding robe was covered with these gems, leaving onlookers in awe. Female guests, in particular, were envious, wishing they could take the robe for themselves.

Guo Zimu’s robe was as extraordinary as his face, causing even the Empress to be mesmerized and King Luo Rong to be captivated. Under a shower of petals, Guo Zimu looked like a celestial being, a phoenix deity.

Guo Ziyu led his brother onto the stage. Jiang Kangchen, snapping out of his daze, broke into a cold sweat. He had almost forgotten his duty! He subtly tugged at the King Luo Rong, whispering: “Your Highness, snap out of it, it’s about to start!”

The King Luo Rong struggled to tear his eyes away from Guo Zimu. Jiang Kangchen signaled for the wedding march to stop, and the musicians, also entranced by Guo Zimu, quickly complied.

Guo Ziyu handed his brother’s hand to King Luo Rong, saying: “Your Highness, I entrust Zimu to you.”

King Luo Rong immediately took his hand, pledging: “Rest assured, I will cherish, love, and protect him, and not let him suffer any grievance.”

Both spoke as equals, with no hint of hierarchical difference. Jiang Kangchen, officiating, announced: “Please, Your Majesty, bless the newlyweds.”

Emperor Yongming hesitated, and Shao Yunan quietly prompted: “Your Majesty, please say a few words.”

Emperor Yongming stood, giving Shao Yunan a somewhat displeased look. As the highest-ranking guest, he praised King Luo Rong loyalty and importance to the nation, congratulated the couple, and sincerely wished them happiness.

After Emperor Yongming, Jiang Kangchen invited Elder Wen and General Dai to speak. They congratulated their old friend and wished the newlyweds a long and happy life together. Following their speeches, a cart was wheeled out. It was a unique creation of Yunlong Pavilion.

“What’s that?”

“So beautiful! Is it edible?”

“The Prince Consort is so fortunate!”

On the cart was a six-layered caramel cake, its vibrant red matching the day’s festive atmosphere. The cake was adorned with cascading white lilies.

Jiang Kangchen then asked: “Your Highness, do you have any words for this special day?”

The King Luo Rong had never felt so emotional. Holding Guo Zimu’s cool, trembling hand, he looked deeply at the extraordinarily beautiful Guo Zimu before addressing the guests, his gaze resting on a particular person.

“Today,” the King choked up: “Today, I am very happy! I will never forget this day, or those who have brought me such a great surprise!”

Shao Yunan was the first to applaud, igniting the atmosphere.

“I have finally brought Little Zimu into my home!” The King released one hand to embrace Guo Zimu’s waist.

“Little Zimu will be the only official spouse of the King Luo Rong mansion! The sole master of the inner residence! I will not take any concubines, I only want him! My life and fortune will henceforth be his!”

Guo Zimu smiled, a tear falling, which the King wiped away before embracing him. Shao Yunan clapped until his hands were red. Many young women blushed, envious of the apparent happiness.

After releasing Guo Zimu, Jiang Kangchen asked: “King Consort, do you have anything to say?”

Guo Zimu nodded, also choking up: “There are no words but ‘thank you.’ My adoptive brother gave me a new life; Your Highness has given me happiness. I, Guo Zimu, can only repay with my utmost dedication.” Looking towards the audience: “Yunan, you will always be my family.” Turning to the King Luo Rong: “Your Highness, thank you for loving me.”

Shao Yunan led the applause again, enhancing the atmosphere. Such a bold declaration was rare and touching. Jiang Kangchen then announced: “Now, the King and the Consort will exchange rings!”

He brought the rings, and under the guidance of Jiang Kangchen, the couple exchanged rings, witnessed by everyone. Shao Yunan had said that once the rings were on, they couldn’t be taken off—they were truly married.

Shao Yunan had hoped for a passionate kiss, but a public embrace was the limit. Next came the cake-cutting and toast. Guo Zimu was reluctant to cut the cake, but it was part of the ceremony. Amidst sighs and expressions of regret, Guo Zimu and the King Luo Rong cut the cake together. All the children envied Wang Qing and Nizi, who stood on the stage, each receiving a large slice of cake. Nizi even asked for an extra piece for her brother, Moxi.

As Wang Qing helped his sister carry the extra slice to Jiang Moxi, some children started crying, wanting cake.

This wedding was the grandest in Great State of Yan Kingdom’s history. Envy, jealousy, and admiration abounded, but there was no basis for complaint. The costs were covered by the Loyal and Brave Marquis’ mansion. Guo Zimu’s unique wedding robe was made by the weaving workshop owned by the Marquis’ mansion. These expenses were neither embezzled nor extorted. Who in the Great State of Yan Kingdom could rival the wealth of the Loyal and Brave Marquis’ mansion?
Many looked at Jiang Kangchen differently. If his adopted brother’s wedding was so grand, how magnificent would his daughter’s be? Jiang Kangchen was clearly destined for a bright future in the capital, being close to the Empress and trusted by the King Luo Rong. Many reflected on the fallen Wu family, realizing their downfall was self-inflicted and resolving to avoid such mistakes.

The wedding banquet lasted from noon to evening. Yunlong Restaurant’s high-quality dishes were impressive, but the six-layered cake was unforgettable. Each guest received only a small piece, except for three children and those at the main table who got larger portions. Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo, friends with the three children, received two extra bites.

Shao Yunan had personally supervised the cake’s creation. Over twenty chefs from Yunlong Pavilion and Yunlong Dessert House had worked for three days to make it. The wedding was a lavish display by the Loyal and Brave Marquis’ mansion. Guo Ziyu silently wept, unable to repay the Marquis’ kindness in his lifetime.
Guo Ziyu wasn’t the only one who moved, Su Chenyi also wiped away tears occasionally. He thought of his son’s humble wedding, contrasting it with the grand celebration for Guo Zimu. Dai Zhanxiao felt similarly melancholic. Princess Wu Uzhen, noticing, quietly asked: “Uncle Su, why are you crying?”
Dai Zhanxiao said with a heavy heart: “Little Father is thinking about Yunan. When Yunan got married, there was not only no such grand ceremony, but he was also forced into a marriage. No one in the family knew about it, and by the time they found out, he was already someone else’s wife.”

Upon hearing this, Princess Wu Uzhen didn’t know how to comfort him. For ancient people, there was no such thing as redoing a wedding, so she could only say: “Then let’s have a grand celebration when the baby is born.”

“A full-month celebration is not the same as a wedding,” Dai Zhanxiao said, taking a swig of his drink.

Princess Wu Uzhen filled his cup and cheerfully raised her own, saying: “It’s rare to have a chance to drink fruit wine freely. Let’s not leave until we’re drunk today.”
Dai Zhanxiao looked at the heroic and valiant Princess Wu Uzhen, raised his cup, and said: “Princess, please.”

This wedding was an absolute success, with all the guests thoroughly enjoying themselves. In fact, many guests didn’t want to leave. All the wine served at the banquet was fruit wine, which was a rare treat. Lord Luo Rong had drunk quite a bit, while Guo Zimu hadn’t drunk much, Luo Rong didn’t want others to see him inebriated and ruin his elegant demeanor. When Luo Rong went to toast the table of the Lu State Duke’s family, he was especially grateful to Su Jinan, whose injury had already healed, much to the relief of the Lu State Duke. As a result, Su Jinan’s position in the Lu State Duke’s family became more secure, and the Duke was preparing to request the title of heir for him.

Su Jinan drank two cups in succession, never daring to look directly at Guo Zimu. In fact, most of the men present did not dare to look directly at Guo Zimu’s stunning face. After Luo Rong had finished toasting all the necessary tables, he and Guo Zimu returned to the main table where Emperor Yongming and the Empress were seated.

As soon as they sat down, the Empress smiled and said: “After today, the beauty of the King of Luo Rong’s wife will be famous far and wide.”
Luo Rong sighed: “Yunan, you really gave me a huge surprise.”

Someone said sarcastically: “Yes, he even kept it a secret from me. This caramel cake is something I’ve never tasted before.”

Uh-oh, the atmosphere wasn’t right. Shao Yunan sneaked a glance at Emperor Yongming and then grinned: “Brother Guo usually wears a mask. It wouldn’t make sense to cover his face on his wedding day. Let everyone see how beautiful little Brother Guo is, so that no one can say he married you for your title.”

“Yes, yes, you have a point. But Yunan, you should have at least made my outfit look better. Standing next to Zimu, I don’t match up at all.”

Shao Yunan teased: “Uncle Murong, if you want to match little Brother Guo in terms of looks, that would be very difficult.”


Old Lord Weng and Old General Dai laughed, while Luo Rong felt a twinge of frustration.

Shao Yunan quickly flattered: “Your Majesty, this caramel cake is a new attempt by me. I was worried you might find it too sweet. If you like it, I can make it for you often after I give birth. This caramel cake takes quite a bit of time.”

The Empress asked: “Aren’t you planning to offer it in the dessert shop?”

“This one takes too much time and skill. The staff hasn’t mastered it yet. Once they do, we’ll launch it. For now, we only take private orders and no more than five a month. I have to supervise personally.”

With his grandfather’s reassurance, Shao Yunan felt relieved. As long as the Emperor didn’t have any intentions towards Guo Zimu, everything else was manageable.



Edited by: Jaisland



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