Fierce “Husband” – Chapter 217

In five days, it would be the New Year. However, the people of the capital had already entered the festive spirit. On this day, Guo Zimu, the younger brother of the Loyal and Brave Marquis, got married! It wasn’t unheard of for noble families in the capital to marry off their daughters, but not even the wedding of the former richest man’s eldest daughter had such grandeur.

Yunlong Pavilion closed four days early to prepare for this grand upcoming wedding. From the beginning, the preparations for this wedding were extraordinary. Since it was winter and many guests were attending, the wedding banquet wasn’t held at King Luo Rong residence but at Yunlong Pavilion. The couple first went to King Luo Rong residence to perform the wedding ceremony and then moved to Yunlong Pavilion for an extraordinary wedding celebration.

Neither the people of the capital nor even Emperor Yongming and the Empress, who planned to attend the wedding, understood what a “wedding of the century” meant. The chief planner of the wedding, Shao Yunan, had ordered everyone in the know to keep it a secret, aiming to surprise everyone on the wedding day.
Before dawn, Guo Zimu, who had returned to the Loyal and Brave Marquis’s residence three days earlier, got up. The night before, he had been too excited to sleep.

Shao Yunan, who was pregnant, was still asleep, but everyone else had already arrived. Guo Ziyu had also hurried over from Yongxiu County. Since his younger brother was getting married, Guo Ziyu had obtained special permission from Emperor Yongming to attend the wedding in the capital.

Aside from Guo Zimu’s two personal maids and two personal servants, the women dressing him had never seen him before. Once they recovered from their surprise, they all praised the king’s good fortune and the beauty of the bride, making Guo Zimu feel both shy and satisfied that marrying Murong was seen as such a blessing by others.

The women dressed Guo Zimu according to wedding customs, although there were fewer rules since he was a male bride. This allowed Shao Yunan’s bold plans to proceed, and King Luo Rong, who doted on his spouse, was willing to do anything to give Guo Zimu an unforgettable wedding.

As dawn broke, Shao Yunan arrived, and Guo Zimu was fully dressed. Seeing Shao Yunan, Guo Zimu’s eyes reddened. A year ago, he hadn’t dared to dream of such a day, and it was all because of Shao Yunan that his life had transformed so dramatically.

Shao Yunan, looking Guo Zimu over with satisfaction, said: “Today is your happy day, don’t cry. In some places, there’s even a tradition of crying during weddings.”
Guo Zimu glared playfully: “That’s unlucky. What if I cry and ruin my makeup?” His eyes immediately stopped reddening.

After sending everyone out, Shao Yunan handed Guo Zimu some snacks and sat beside him. “Have a little something to fill your stomach.”

Guo Zimu sighed softly: “Yunan, thank you. Thank you and Shijing.”

“We’re like family,” Shao Yunan sighed too. “Finally, we’re getting you married off.”

“Get lost!”

Guo Zimu kicked out but quickly retracted his foot, remembering the other was pregnant. Shao Yunan hugged Guo Zimu affectionately. “From now on, you’ll be the true princess consort. If you encounter any rascals, don’t hold back. Let them know the princess consort is both beautiful and formidable. With King Rong, me, and Shijing behind you, have no worries.”

Guo Zimu nodded tightly.

“You did well against the Huhar bandits last time, but you need to be even fiercer. As for the emperor…” Shao Yunan lowered his voice. “He has seen your face but didn’t react, so it should be fine. I think the emperor fears the empress. If he were lecherous, the palace wouldn’t have only the empress. The emperor truly loves the empress. Your face might stun him initially, but he’ll get used to it, just like Shijing.”

Guo Zimu nodded silently. After revealing his face in the palace last time, he had been worried for days, but since nothing had happened, he felt at ease.

Shao Yunan whispered: “But when you go to the palace, still wear a mask. My little uncle can be jealous.”

Guo Zimu blinked and smiled, nodding vigorously.

“Ah, dear little Brother Guo, you’re getting married. I wish you an early heir.” Shao Yunan said this through gritted teeth, still not fully accepting the child in his own belly, despite feeling its movements.

Guo Zimu laughed deeply, his eyes filled with emotion.

“Tomorrow, I’ll have King Rong fetch a pregnancy fruit. Don’t worry, I won’t let our children be too far apart in age.”

Shao Yunan whistled: “That sounds great.”

The two good friends chatted privately until someone knocked on the door, announcing that the groom had set off and would arrive soon. Maids and women entered, and Guo Zimu sat cross-legged as Shao Yunan personally covered his head with a red veil.

Guo Zimu’s entourage included ten warriors from the Great Mountain Tribe brought by Princess Wu Uzhen, strong men from the General’s Mansion brought by Dai Zhanxiao. Then several brothers were summoned by Shao Yunan, Wang Shuping and Zhao Yuande from the Loyal and Brave Village. The mansion’s gates were tightly shut, with the entourage hiding behind them, ready for the “bridegroom’s welcome.” Citizens of the capital gathered along the road from King Luo Rong residence to the Loyal and Brave Marquis’s mansion, eager to witness the celebration.

King Luo Rong, dressed in his groom’s attire, rode a tall horse at the head of the welcoming team. His entourage, equally impressive, included strong young men brought by his son Murong, dozens of Imperial Guards dispatched by Emperor Yongming, and young noblemen friendly with young master Murong. His older friends, like Elder Weng and General Dai, weren’t suited for the “bridegroom’s welcome.”

The welcoming party scattered candies and copper coins along the way, delighting the capital’s citizens, especially the children, who shouted blessings and scrambled for the treats. These candies came from Yunlong Confectionery, where each piece usually cost a copper coin. The endless shower of candies was a testament to the wedding’s extravagance.

Arriving at the mansion’s tightly closed gates, King Luo Rong, despite being prepared, felt a twinge of anxiety. Yunan, please don’t make things too difficult.
Knock, knock, knock—three knocks on the door. A voice inside said: “Your Highness, our consort says you must sing a love song before we open the door.”

King Luo Rong face immediately scrunched up in dismay. A love song? Yunan was really pushing him to his limit. But with no way to enter the gate, how could he proceed with the “bridegroom’s welcome”? After several deep breaths, he turned to his entourage. “Once inside, move quickly.”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness!”

King Luo Rong sang, determined to marry his beloved. He sang a well-known love song, surprising everyone inside and outside the gates with his good voice.

Blushing, King Luo Rong finished the song amid the onlookers’ cheers. The gates opened halfway, and his entourage rushed in, creating chaos inside the Loyal and Brave Marquis’s residence.

Firecrackers exploded, filling the street with festive noise. Inside the mansion, protected by several guards, King Luo Rong navigated through the obstacles, finally reaching Guo Zimu’s courtyard, only to be stopped by a pregnant man. Seeing him, King Luo Rong broke into a cold sweat. “Yunan, please don’t make it hard for your uncle.”

Shao Yunan smiled: “King Rong, marrying Brother Guo can’t be that easy. First, the red envelopes.”

His entourage tossed handfuls of red envelopes, and the courtyard’s young men and women laughed and scrambled for them. Shao Yunan then added: “Uncle Murong, sing another song. I didn’t hear the first one clearly.”

King Luo Rong signaled to Wang Shijing, who helplessly shrugged. Though frustrated, with his bride so close, King Luo Rong sang another love song, this time even more heartfelt.

Guo Zimu listened, almost moved to tears, realizing his Murong was singing for him.

Finishing the song, King Luo Rong pleaded: “Yunan, give your uncle Murong a break.”

Shao Yunan stepped aside: “Now it’s up to you.”

King Luo Rong signaled: “Charge!”

The courtyard descended into chaos as the two sides wrestled. Even Princess Wu Uzhen had to step aside, not wanting to get caught in the melee.

Finally, with some lenient resistance, King Luo Rong made it into the house but faced another challenge—finding Guo Zimu’s missing shoe. With one shoe missing, the bride couldn’t leave the house.

Despite having married before, King Luo Rong had never faced such a challenge! With the help of his entourage, he found the shoe hidden in a corner of the wardrobe. Amid Shao Yunan’s laughter, King Luo Rong knelt on one knee to put the shoe on Guo Zimu, filled with joy as he looked at the veiled bride, who teared up.

“The bride is leaving!”

Wang Shijing entered, squatted in front of the bed, and Guo Zimu cried as he lay on Wang Shijing’s back. Guo Ziyu, standing by, was in tears. Unable to carry his brother due to his leg, Wang Shijing, Guo Zimu’s sworn brother, took on the task.

Wang Shijing walked steadily with Guo Zimu on his back. Amid the festive sounds, one batch of dowry after another was carried out of the mansion. The Prince of

King Mansion waited outside, with Guo Ziyu following closely beside Wang Shijing, sending his brother off together.

“The bride is in the sedan chair!”


Guo Zimu, who hadn’t spoken along the way, cried out as Wang Shijing placed him in the sedan chair. Guo Ziyu held back his tears. “Zimu, be happy!”

“Brother, Shijing Brother, I’m leaving, and I will be happy!”

Wang Shijing personally lowered the sedan chair’s curtain and shouted: “Set off!”

This time, the firecrackers exploded over the capital, even faintly heard in the palace. The extravagant dowry of Guo Zimu, the sworn brother of Loyal and Brave Marquis, stretched from the mansion’s gate to the eastern city gate. The people of the capital were astonished, understanding that Wang Shijing truly treated Guo Zimu as a real brother, giving him a grand send-off. This famous wedding was talked about by the citizens of the capital for over a year. The importance Loyal and Brave Marquis placed on Guo Zimu gave him enough standing in the capital’s high society. This wedding also made everyone understand one thing: Guo Zimu married the King Luo Rong not for money or power, but because he liked him. People initially envious of Guo Zimu for marrying into the royal family now envied King Luo Rong instead.

The wedding procession circled the capital, continuously scattering candies and coins. The procession eventually stopped at the King Luo Rong mansion, where the King personally carried Guo Zimu out of the sedan chair, not letting his feet touch the ground. Inside the mansion, only a few close friends and family were present. The couple paid respects to the heavens and their ancestors. The King then lifted Guo Zimu again and left the mansion.

At this moment, Yunlong Pavilion was packed except for a few specially reserved tables. The King Luo Rong appeared, but Guo Zimu was not with him, causing everyone to whisper, puzzled by the unconventional setup of the wedding in two locations. The people from Loyal and Brave Marquis’ mansion were already seated. Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan sat at the main table, along with Elder. Wen and General Dai, and two empty seats. The people remaining at the King Luo Rong mansion had also arrived and taken their seats. The auspicious time had not yet arrived when an announcement came from outside: “The Emperor has arrived—The Empress has arrived—”

With the arrival of these two, the wedding reached its first climax.



Edited by: Jaisland



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