Figure Skating: I’m More Suited for the Olympics – Chapter 95 Pickup Truck

Zhang Jue quickly fell asleep from the fatigue of the journey. Zhang Junbao tucked him in, patted his cheek, and left the room.

Shen Liu followed him and said: “The doctor said his synovitis isn’t serious, a month of rest will do.”

Zhang Junbao shook his head: “I’m not upset about that. I just still feel that I shouldn’t have agreed to let Zhang Jue compete after getting the injection during the Grand Prix Final.”

Surprisingly, Shen Liu didn’t agree with Zhang Junbao: “He’s already one of the single skaters with the least injuries who can perform quad jumps worldwide.”

“Brother, I also feel guilty, but as long as Little Jue continues on this path, such situations will only become more common. Do you think that even if we want him to withdraw from a competition in the future, he would listen to us?”

Injuries are the most feared enemy of athletes, yet all top athletes inevitably have to live with them. What they can do is shine as brightly as possible and push their limits before their bodies give in.

Zhang Junbao looked at the shadows of trees swaying in the neon lights and winter wind outside the window, a touch of melancholy on his face.

“Shen Liu, I’m happy to see Zhang Jue achieve results, but sometimes I regret bringing him back to the competition. He’s too determined, never backing down from injuries, which will make him endure a lot of pain.”

Uncle had also been an athlete, and his personality was somewhat similar to Zhang Jue’s, so he understood well what Zhang Jue would face in the future.

Shen Liu replied: “That’s why athletes need coaches.”

He stood behind Zhang Junbao, his gaze falling on the glass window, reflecting Zhang Junbao’s serious face.

Shen Liu smiled: “Zhang Jue has two good coaches with him. When necessary, we will join forces to keep this kid in check so he won’t mess around.”

After discussion, it was decided that Shen Liu and Song Cheng would return to coach the kids. Zhang Qingyan would go back to manage the shop after tidying up Zhang Jue’s place, while Zhang Junbao stayed to accompany Zhang Jue through his treatment.

Everyone told Zhang Jue not to worry about the treatment costs, as part of it would be covered. Besides giving Zhang Jue a card, his mom Qingyan also stuffed his wallet with a thick wad of cash, just to ensure he didn’t have to suffer and could focus on his recovery.

Though they always emphasized that studies were the most important, when Zhang Jue made his choice, Qingyan gave him the maximum support within her capability. For Zhang Jue, that was already enough.

Beds in top hospitals like 703 were very scarce. It was best to go to the TCM therapy room early in the morning to get a spot.

Uncle was quite familiar with this. He pushed Zhang Jue to the TCM therapy room and then hurried out to buy breakfast. At this moment, the curtain on the bed next to Zhang Jue opened, and a familiar handsome man looked at him, seemingly surprised.

Zhang Jue recognized him and quickly greeted: “Coach Lan, long time no see. Are you not feeling well?”
Coach Lan hesitated for a moment before replying awkwardly: “I, I have a chill and came for some cupping therapy. I’ll leave soon.”

He looked around cautiously: “Where are you uncomfortable?”

Zhang Jue patted his leg: “Oh, just some common athlete injuries, nothing serious.”

Coach Lan responded: “You came with your coach for treatment, right?”

Zhang Jue nodded: “Yeah, my coach, assistant coach, team doctor, our provincial team’s head coach, and my mom all came with me. But now, only my coach is left. Why do you ask?”

Coach Lan said: “… Nothing.”

He just thought, you seem pretty pampered. But with the only kid in the club injured and needing hospitalization, and with the Winter Olympics next year, the figure skating team leaders probably aren’t having a good time.

He hesitated for a while before asking slowly: “You’ve grown taller, haven’t you? How much have you grown?”

There was no need to hide this, as it couldn’t be kept secret. Zhang Jue honestly replied: “I’ve grown nearly 4 centimeters.”

For a precision sport like figure skating, growing 4 centimeters in a month could significantly affect balance. Yet, Zhang Jue managed to make a comeback in the free skate at the Grand Prix Final, moving from fourth in the short program to a silver medal, showcasing his incredible coordination and adaptability.

But with his injury, his future performance was uncertain.

Coach Lan finished his cupping therapy, quickly put on his shoes and coat, and hurried out.

Zhang Jue felt that he wasn’t that familiar with him, so he didn’t mind the brief encounter and just sat on the hospital bed, letting the doctor apply electroacupuncture while using a therapy lamp.
It felt quite comfortable.

Uncle returned with bean paste buns and mantou, sitting by the bed to open the plastic container of bean paste.

“According to athlete dietary restrictions, you can’t eat beef or lamb outside, so no meat buns or pies for you. The silver ear soup has lotus seeds, so you can’t have that either. Settle for vegetarian food for now. Next time, I’ll bring breakfast from the cafeteria.”

Although Zhang Jue was still part of the H province team, Sun Qian had long approved him to eat at the national team cafeteria while in Beijing, solving a big problem for him.

Zhang Jue smiled contentedly while eating the mantou: “This sourdough mantou tastes great, but it’s still not as good as the ones you make, Uncle.”

Although Zhang Junbao’s cooking skills were good, they still couldn’t compare to those who ran a business. But hearing compliments from a child always made adults happy.

He ruffled the little crocodile’s hair: “Your hair is in the way while eating. Let me tie it up for you.”

Saying this, Uncle gathered the silky black hair behind Zhang Jue and braided it into a centipede braid, securing it with a small elastic band.

When this quiet kid sat still without speaking, with his hair down, he looked like a noble prince from ancient mythology, catching everyone’s attention. Zhang Junbao pushed him down a corridor, and nine out of ten passing nurses and patients would turn their heads.

As Zhang Jue’s features matured, his facial contours became less soft and childlike, yet more defined and sharp.

Not to mention, this kid’s looks alone had garnered attention for the figure skating circle in China. For the leaders of a niche sport, an athlete with high competitive and commercial value was indeed a treasure. It wasn’t surprising that Sun Qian was so emotionally overwhelmed when he learned about Zhang Jue’s growth spurts and injury.

Zhang Junbao didn’t have a comb, so he could only use his fingers to smooth Zhang Jue’s hair before braiding it strand by strand.

He said in a low voice: “Zhang Jue, you heard what Dr. Chai said. Synovitis is manageable, but the ligament injury won’t heal in just a month. For this National Championship, if possible, you shouldn’t force yourself to compete.”

Zhang Jue paused, his cheeks moving as he chewed.

Zhang Junbao continued: “I know you want to win and compete for the country. That’s a good thing, worth encouraging. But it hasn’t reached the point where you must sacrifice your health. If the ligament doesn’t heal properly, it will affect your long-term athletic career. Missing the National Championship means missing this season’s Four Continents and World Championships, but you still have the future.”

Zhang Jue blinked: “But if I don’t compete, our men’s single quota for the Winter Olympics next year will be reduced to one, right?”

“Uncle, there are already many who think you’re not a good coach, not letting me join the national team, restricting my quad jump training time. If people find out you advised me to withdraw, you’ll get even more criticized. Your leaders will scold you, and Coach Song can only cover for you so much.”

Zhang Junbao chuckled lightly.

He knew that Zhang Jue, despite appearing playful, understood everything clearly in his heart.

Even though he didn’t care about online comments, Zhang Junbao had followed Zhang Jue’s small account called “One-Wan Coin” and seen the lengthy arguments he had with so-called haters. Through this, he knew that some figure skating fans were very unhappy with his coaching methods.

But he still believed Zhang Jue’s health was more important.

“Zhang Jue, have you thought about whether you can perform well at the World Championships while carrying an injury if you insist on competing for the rest of the season? Let’s give up on this half-season, skip the Four Continents and World Championships. With your level, you’ll absolutely be in peak condition for the trials and the National Championships next year, securing that Olympic spot for sure.”

“When it comes to the Olympics, no matter if you’re injured or not—no, you definitely won’t be—but by then, no matter how hard you want to push yourself, Uncle won’t stop you.”

Winter Olympic season? Could he still participate after finishing his growth spurt?

Zhang Jue didn’t say anything. After finishing his therapy, he wheeled himself forward a bit, then turned back with a grin.

“Uncle, look, I can use the wheelchair by myself.”

Zhang Junbao rolled his eyes and pushed him to the parking lot.

In front of a plain wall pickup truck stood a handsome mixed-race guy with gray eyes, standing tall at 1.95 meters. He was wearing an army green coat and a Lei Feng hat, looking as unassuming as the truck behind him.

He waved to Zhang Jue and smiled: “Little Jue, I’m here to pick you up.”

Though Zhang Jue could casually wear a green coat and his uncle’s red hat in front of the media, relying on his youth and good looks, his sense of style had always been on point since his days as a former idol trainee.

Zhang Jue stared at Qin Xuejun outfit in silence for two seconds, pointing at the truck: “What’s this?”

Qin Xuejun looked a bit proud: “I recently published a paper in District One and got a scholarship, so I bought a new car.”

By the way, Qin Xuejun was now 19 years old, successfully secured a place for postgraduate studies, and was currently doing training with his mentor at Harmony Hospital. For someone his age, being self-sufficient and even buying a car with his own money was quite impressive.

Although Qin Xuejun was usually calm, he couldn’t help but show off a bit in front of Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue was puzzled: “Why did you choose this model?”

A small cab in the front, an open cargo area in the back—why would a medical student buy such a rustic pickup truck?

Qin Xuejun honestly replied: “When I was buying the car, I called Grandpa for advice. He said he had never driven before, but Coach Zhang had a car, so he told me to ask Coach Zhang. Coach Zhang suggested buying a practical vehicle that could carry stuff.”

Zhang Jue: “…”

His uncle had driven an old second-hand Jinbei for at least five years, yet someone sought his advice on car buying?
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, life surprises you.

Although Zhang Jue had to admit the pickup was indeed practical. The front seat for people, and the back for his wheelchair and luggage, worked perfectly.

As mentioned before, the two-bedroom apartment Zhang Jue bought in Beijing was paid for with his savings. He later rented it cheaply to Qin Xuejun, so during his recovery period in Beijing, he would be living under the same roof with his friend and tenant.


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  1. isalknirla


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