Wolf Cub – Chapter 74

“He is currently suspected of intentional injury, but he was drunk at the time, so we need to see if it can be classified as a more serious offense. However, one important point is that he once tried to drown his child, but was stopped by the bridge patrol officers. The evidence is conclusive, indicating a suspicion of attempted murder. Additionally, after the divorce, he did not pay child support as ordered by the court and repeatedly threatened his ex-wife with violence, involving large sums of money.”

“How long can he be imprisoned?”

“If all the evidence is conclusive, he could be sentenced to several years due to multiple offenses.”

“What did Aunt Lin say?”

“Don’t worry, Ms. Lin is cooperating well with us and the police. Little Zhong, since your dad asked me to help, I will do my best. Just focus on recovering and don’t worry about adult matters.”

Zhong Qi thanked him, hung up the phone, and turned back to the hospital room.

Lin Shiyu’s things were already packed. He had been in the hospital for over a month and could finally be discharged today. A group of people wanted to pick him up, but Old Li insisted they stay at school and attend classes. In the end, Xiao Ran specially came over to help Lin Hui pack up.

Zhong Qi had been discharged earlier and came today to pick him up, as well as remove his shoulder brace. Lin Shiyu still couldn’t put weight on one leg and had to use crutches. Officer Shen took time out of his busy schedule to help, carrying Lin Shiyu to the car and then to Zhong Qi’s place at school.

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it, but Shen Ziyi clung to my leg, making a fuss,” Officer Shen complained as he took a big gulp of the water given to him by Lin Hui. “She said, ‘If you don’t put Lin Shiyu’s dad in jail, I’ll revoke your good policeman title on behalf of the people!’ Her mouth was like firecrackers, making my head spin.”

Lin Hui chuckled lightly. “The girl has a heart.”

The two of them went to the balcony to talk about Lin Shiyu’s father. Lin Shiyu, curious, turned his head to listen, only to have Zhong Qi grab his chin and turn it back. Xiao Ran handed Lin Shiyu some cut fruit. “Shiyu, you’re recovering really fast.”

Zhong Qi added, “With how clumsy he is, his body better be strong.”

Lin Shiyu glared at him, while Xiao Ran laughed and stood up. “Alright, I’m glad to see you’re well. I need to get back to work. I took half a day off to come here, and if I don’t go back, the boss will dock my pay.”

The two walked her to the door, and Xiao Ran pushed Lin Shiyu back, telling him not to come out further. Lin Shiyu stood at the door and said, “Thank you.”

Xiao Ran knew what he meant, nodded, and patted his head sisterly before going downstairs with Zhong Qi.

Lin Shiyu still hadn’t quite gotten used to his crutches, finding them awkward and slow to use. After seeing Xiao Ran off, Zhong Qi came back upstairs just as Shiyu’s mom and Officer Shen finished their conversation and were preparing to leave. Lin Hui took the bag she brought from home to the guest room and hung Lin Shiyu’s clothes in the wardrobe one by one, saying, “Stay here and take care of yourself. I’ll bring Wanyue to visit you on weekends and bring some clothes and money. Don’t disturb Xiao Zhong’s studies, get along well, and don’t quarrel. After all, you need to live together until graduation.”

Lin Shiyu said, “Huh?”

Lin Hui finished tidying the room and gave him a few more reminders at the door before leaving reluctantly. Zhong Qi went downstairs to see the two adults off. When he came back, he found Lin Shiyu staring at him in confusion. “What is it?”

“I’m supposed to live here until graduation?”

“What did you think?”

“I thought I’d go back home once my leg healed.”

“Isn’t it more convenient for you to stay here? We can take care of each other.”

Lin Shiyu looked at Zhong Qi’s arm and then down at his own leg. “How are we supposed to take care of each other with you having a bad arm and me having a bad leg?”

Zhong Qi said, “You sure know how to talk.”

He leaned on the sofa, ordering takeout on his phone, and asked Lin Shiyu what he wanted to eat. Lin Shiyu, still perplexed, asked, “What did you say to my mom?”

“I explained everything to her rationally and emotionally.”

Lin Shiyu sat nearby, muttering to himself, “I feel like my mom has changed. She even said she wants to sue that Wu guy. She never thought of doing that before.”

“Your mom isn’t made of iron. Her son got a hole in his head, of course, she’s worried sick.”

Lin Shiyu muttered softly, “It’s not the first time I’ve gotten hurt…”

Zhong Qi’s gaze shifted from his phone to Lin Shiyu’s face. He reached out and pulled Lin Shiyu into his arms, not forcefully but firmly, and touched his hair. “What happened before?”

Lin Shiyu, not caring about past events anymore, simply told Zhong Qi about it. One day in middle school, his father got drunk again and wreaked havoc at home, reaching a peak in his emotions. He never liked Lin Wanyue, hating her since she was born, and that night, he took the sleeping Wanyue out.

Lin Shiyu woke up with a sudden, inexplicable sense of panic and found his sister missing. He and his mother rushed out to search for her, asking around until they found out the man had taken the girl towards the riverbank.

It was the bridge patrol soldiers who found them. By then, the man had already thrown Wanyue into the river. If the soldiers hadn’t jumped into the water to rescue her, Wanyue might not be in this world anymore.

That night, Lin Shiyu had the most intense confrontation with his father. They smashed everything they could in the house, the noise so loud that neighbors came out to see. Lin Shiyu’s forehead got injured during the fight and required several stitches.

“That was when my mom finally decided to divorce him.” Lin Shiyu said, eating fruit from a plate. He seemed indifferent about it now. “She’s too kind-hearted, always thinking she can change and warm others.”

Zhong Qi held him in his arms and lifted the short hair on his forehead, finding a faint scar hidden in the hair. He kissed the scar softly and said in a low voice, “So fierce. Fighting adults in middle school.”

Lin Shiyu snorted and buried his head in his fruit. The bruises on his hands had faded, revealing his fair and delicate skin. Despite having such elegant hands, he always did unexpected things.

Since the day Lin Shiyu fell from the third floor, Zhong Qi had felt a strong sense of urgency, a feeling that he might lose Shiyu if he didn’t keep a close eye on him. This was a new sensation for Zhong Qi, who had always been indifferent and detached, having everything he wanted easily. He realized that Lin Shiyu was different from everything he had known before.

He felt the need to protect Lin Shiyu tightly, to watch over him constantly, so he wouldn’t lose him one day.

On Lin Shiyu’s first day back at school, a group of people almost treated him like a fragile treasure. With Lin Shiyu on crutches, Zhong Qi blocked anyone who tried to touch or fuss over him.

They had missed a lot of classes, falling behind significantly. Tao Chen and Shen Ziyi had taken notes for them, and Zhong Qi spent two days with Zuo Xiang catching up on two months’ worth of lessons. After that, he focused on helping Lin Shiyu, who struggled with his studies.

Lin Shiyu’s head injury hadn’t affected his daily activities or memory, but he found it harder to concentrate on demanding tasks. He often had to review chapters multiple times to grasp the concepts, and he couldn’t remember as many English words as before.

Sometimes, Lin Shiyu showed signs of frustration. He was already slow at doing homework, and catching up on all the missed assignments and notes seemed impossible.

“I don’t want to do it anymore.”

Lin Shiyu was stuck on a difficult problem and couldn’t figure it out, so he threw his pen aside in frustration. Zhong Qi was sitting next to him, put down his own homework and picked up Shiyu’s pen. “Is it this problem? I’ll explain it to you again.”

“You already explained it once, and I still don’t get it,” Lin Shiyu said, turning his head away in resistance. After a moment, he stood up, supporting himself on the table. “I’m going to take a shower.”

Zhong Qi stood up with him. “Okay, I’ll help you.”

“No, I’ll do it myself.”

“Your leg is still not well, you can’t manage on your own.”

“I don’t want help!”

Zhong Qi gently held him, patiently coaxing, “I’m afraid you’ll fall. Let me help, okay?”

Lin Shiyu stood there, unhappy, but Zhong Qi half-led, half-carried him to the bathroom. Zhong Qi’s arm had healed and was slowly regaining full function, but Lin Shiyu’s leg was still unable to walk normally. He could only watch others run and jump, and needed Mao Silu and others to carry him up and down the stairs. This made him feel uncomfortable and his pent-up frustration only grew.

After helping him shower and getting him back to the room, Zhong Qi didn’t make Lin Shiyu return to the desk to do homework. Instead, he had him sit on the bed, knelt down, and gently dried his feet. Zhong Qi’s arm was still weak, but he carefully held Lin Shiyu’s ankle to avoid any bumps.

Zhong Qi remained quiet, his touch gentle and steady. After a hot shower and changing into clean clothes, Lin Shiyu sat on the soft bed, watching Zhong Qi’s hair swirl as he bent down. Gradually, his irritation subsided.

“It’s done,” Lin Shiyu said softly. “Let’s do the homework.”

Instead of returning to the desk, Zhong Qi got on the bed and sat facing him. The room was dimly lit by a warm yellow desk lamp, with a cool breeze and the dark night outside.

“It’s okay. If you’re not feeling well, let’s rest early,” Zhong Qi said, holding Lin Shiyu’s hand and slowly massaging his fingers. “We can catch up on the missed lessons slowly. Whenever you want to learn, I’ll teach you.”

Lin Shiyu blushed slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Why have you suddenly become so patient?”

“Was I not patient before?”

“You were like a child before, immature and willful,” Lin Shiyu insisted. “You would give the cold shoulder if you were unhappy and ignored people.”

They sat facing each other on the bed. Zhong Qi replied, “And you’re no better. You get angry easily and are as stubborn as a mule.”

Lin Shiyu tried to pull his hand away, but Zhong Qi held on. “But you’ve always been kind to me.”

“That’s because…”

“Yes, I like you too.”

Lin Shiyu was stunned, staring at him, unsure of what to say. Zhong Qi intertwined their fingers, his dark eyes focused and sincere. “You like me, and that makes you gentle. I want to change my bad temper for you too.”

He lifted Lin Shiyu’s hand and kissed his fingers.

“Can you give me that chance?”


Edited by: Jaisland



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