Figure Skating: I’m More Suited for the Olympics – Chapter 89 Decision

In the important event of the Grand Prix Final, every camera focused on the competition, and everyone’s attention was on the athletes competing.
Since everyone in the finals was a strong competitor, athletes in recent years, whether veterans or rising stars, had generally balanced their technical skills and artistry well, so their performances were usually quite enjoyable.

As usual, the junior events were held in the afternoon, and the senior events were concentrated in the evening. Arthur Cohen secured second place in the short program that afternoon, with the first-place Halhash only 1.3 points ahead, winning by a narrow margin.

After all, Halhash’s 3A was still unstable. Although he managed to land it, he stumbled slightly, and the quality of the jump was not high. Meanwhile, Arthur’s jumps were well executed, so their score difference was not significant.

However, Zhang Jue’s progress in the competition was clearly not as smooth as it had been during his junior years.

In the juniors, Zhang Jue could afford to take risks; no matter how reckless he was, he still won the championship. But in the senior category, he was evidently more stable and conservative. In the juniors, it was extremely rare to see him swap a 3lo for a lower-scoring 3T to ensure stability. Such changes usually occurred when there were mistakes in the short program, and he would avoid taking risks in the free skate.

Yet, everyone knew Zhang Jue’s short program was solid. Even if he took risks, it was hard to mess it up, like having some super buff; in the figure skating world, where even world champions occasionally fell, he seemed like a bug.

In the Grand Prix Final, it was clear to discerning eyes that Zhang Jue’s condition was likely not good.

The Chinese junior ladies nearby also showed concern, turning to talk to their coach.

Xu Chuo said: “Coach, Zhang Jue…”

Coach Zhao shook his head: “It’s the growth stage. Everyone goes through it. He’s growing too fast. Figure skating is a very delicate sport, and any slight change can affect an athlete. It’s normal for Zhang Jue to struggle with adapting to his new height in the short term.”

She looked regretful: “If we had a deeper talent pool, we could have let Zhang Jue take a break or have another athlete hold his current position to reduce his pressure and let him focus on his growth. But the problem is, there’s no one else. No matter how he develops, he’s the only male singles skater of note in the country. He absolutely cannot withdraw from such a major competition.”

“Now, it depends on whether he can manage his development. If it continues like this, a good prospect might end up wasted.”

Coach Zhao’s tone was full of regret. After all, everyone knew the potential of the top athlete was immense. At his peak, he could even challenge Maquen. If he was indeed defeated by his growth, domestic coaches would be reluctant to select athletes who might grow tall for at least 10 years.

Although no one had expected Zhang Jue to grow so rapidly before his development stage.

Arthur couldn’t understand their conversation. Reluctantly tearing his gaze away from Maquen’s performance, he decided to find Zhang Jue in the athlete’s tunnel.

In a less crowded area, he saw Zhang Jue sitting on a bench, stretching his foot while the team doctor applied a cold compress to his ankle.

His ankle had a faint reddish scar, a common sign of long-term friction between figure skates and skin, and there was slight deformation.

Even though he had been training for less than three years theoretically, Zhang Jue’s feet had gradually become like those of other figure skaters due to the intense practice of quadruple jumps.

At that moment, Arthur instinctively wondered if he would be afraid to see such feet.

His feet hadn’t yet become like Zhang Jue’s. If he withdrew from the competition now, his wealthy background and handsome appearance would still allow him to lead a comfortable and dazzling life, without having to endure the injuries and physical toll of training on the ice.

But strangely, at that moment, his determination to continue skating only grew stronger.

Zhang Jue sat quietly there, his profile possessing a speechless allure, like a celestial angel from mythology giving a strong sense of distance. His black hair fell on his thigh, awakening Arthur’s perception of beauty.

This young man was very beautiful. He was unapproachable, hard to touch, and appeared distant like a god’s child when he danced on the ice.

Yet, seeing such a person absorbed in his performance and striving for victory made Arthur want to get closer to him.

After a while, Zhang Jue stood up, helped by his coach, and slowly walked back to the competition area.

The competition outside was nearing its end. Zhang Jue only placed fourth in the short program this time. Cleanly performing Maquen, Vasily, and Martin went to receive their small medals, while Zhang Jue continued to watch the competition with the coaching team.

He paid close attention to his teammates who had come to Sochi with him, Huang Ying and Guan Lin, who were about to compete in the pairs short program.

Huang Ying had grown to 1.51 meters now. Coach Ma hadn’t overly restricted the girl’s diet, while controlling it, he still ensured she received plenty of high-protein and high-calcium nutrition. Guan Lin’s throw jumps with Huang Ying had clearly become much stronger, but the performances of the two young athletes had become increasingly stable.

Most importantly, Huang Ying had avoided injuries during this critical period, and her technical decline was not severe. That was the biggest victory.

They were adapting to their new physiques and techniques, and their performances had matured significantly.

Shen Liu thoughtfully stroked his chin: “The setbacks and difficulties this season have made their synergy better.”

He clearly saw the two children, even without looking at each other’s figures, executing their single jumps in perfect harmony.

A beautiful 2A, as a single jump, was absolutely inadequate in the senior final because, apart from them, everyone else’s single jumps were 3T or even 3S. But as long as they succeeded in their single jumps, the subsequent throw twists, throw jumps, spirals, and lifts were their chances to make up points!

Zhang Junbao admired: “Old Ma really knows how to train kids. Like me, he’s very focused on the long-term development of athletes. Huang Ying is lucky to have him.”

Yang Zhiyuan sighed: “It’s a pity that these two kids are so talented. They rushed to attempt difficult elements before their bodies were fully developed. I’m worried they might suffer many injuries in the future. Old Ma and I talked about this on the plane. He’s particularly concerned about their health and regrets that Dr. Qin retired and lives far from them, making it difficult for them to get therapy.”

“It’s okay. Next year, these kids will definitely join the national team. Athletes participating in the Winter Olympics will definitely need to be part of the national team, and Zhang Jue will be the same. By then, good doctors will surely be available.”

Zhang Jue asked: “Do I need to go too? But I have the college entrance exam next year.”

The kid was in his second year of high school this year, and the Olympic season would coincide with his third year, making it a conflict.

Both coaches and the doctor instinctively wanted to argue that the Olympics were definitely more important. But then they thought of Ms. Zhang Qingyan’s face and shivered.

Oh no, next year there would be another challenge as tough as Zhang Jue’s development stage.

Zhang Junbao felt distressed. He thought it was like taking a disciple on a journey like Tang Seng going for the scriptures. One difficulty wasn’t over, and the next one was already approaching. It never seemed to end!

Unlike Zhang Jue’s near-failure in the short program, Huang Ying and Guan Lin scored their season’s highest in the short program and squeezed into the top three as newcomers, happily receiving their small medals.

Although Yang Zhiyuan discovered through physical examination that Zhang Jue’s injured right ankle joint was showing signs of looseness, and his ligaments had definitely been strained during that tilt, no one mentioned withdrawing from the competition.

It wasn’t that Zhang Junbao hadn’t called domestically; when the response came from Song Cheng’s side, there was the sound of pills spilling out of the bottle and falling to the ground, followed by a weak: “Alright, if the kid can’t hold up, he should withdraw. His foot is more important.”

But the response from Sun Qian’s side was that as long as Zhang Jue wasn’t at the point where he couldn’t skate, he should try to finish this competition, regardless of the result.

When the competition ended that night, the child leaned on the chair back and slowly stood up, being carried out of the venue by Zhang Junbao.
His body fat had decreased, but his weight had increased significantly. Zhang Junbao said as he carried him: “When you finish growing, Uncle might not be able to carry you anymore.”

Zhang Jue leaned against Zhang Junbao’s solid and warm shoulder and squinted his eyes: “Then I’ll carry you then.”
Zhang Junbao chuckled: “Why would you carry me? I’m not injured and unable to walk.”

Zhang Jue thought to himself that while Zhang Junbao wasn’t injured and unable to walk, he had actually carried Zhang Junbao when he was suffering from liver cancer. He had carried him outside to get some sunlight, coaxed him to drink red bean water, and assured him that there was still enough money at home for another round of chemotherapy.

He would do everything for his uncle that a son would do for his father, enduring all hardships without complaints.

He said softly: “Uncle, you used to say you wanted to see a Chinese male singles skater on the podium of major competitions. I’ll be able to achieve that soon.”
Zhang Junbao replied: “Hmm, do what you can. For me, your health is always more important.”

Shen Liu patted the child’s hair: “Yes, before you, the domestic male singles skaters didn’t collapse. From experience, if you want to skate happily, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Don’t take yourself too seriously, the competition would still be exciting without you.”

They all knew that as coaches, they should keep the child motivated, but over time, Zhang Jue’s health had become more important to them than the podium or honors.

Zhang Junbao said: “Little Jue, Uncle still says the same thing: Let’s observe for a day. If your condition is still not good the day after tomorrow, we’ll withdraw. Let me take the blame if necessary. I’m not afraid to tell you, back in the day, when your uncle was competing, the reports he wrote were three times yours!”

Zhang Jue had Zhang Qingyan looking after him. Although he sometimes had conflicts due to his temper, he never dared to smoke or drink. Otherwise, his mother would have used a pot to smash his head. Zhang Junbao was even more rebellious than Zhang Jue back then. He not only smoked and drank but also idolized Bu Jingyun and burned his noodle rolls, constantly writing reports, which made his coach’s hairline recede by 10 centimeters.

Yes, it was Coach Song, so Coach Song occasionally said that the Zhang nephew and uncle were sent by heaven to torment him. This wasn’t far from the truth. The combined impact of two generations of Zhang family male singles skaters had made Coach Song’s hairline recede by a total of 18 centimeters, and it was now completely bald.

Then they heard Zhang Jue, who was usually mischievous, let out a long sigh: “But my mom said that my height might be like my dad’s. If I don’t work hard now, I might not have the chance to work hard in the future. What if I end up being 1.9 meters tall after I finish growing?”
1.9 meters.

Both coaches and the team doctor felt a pang in their hearts.

Zhang Junbao took a deep breath and replied: “You should trust your mom’s genes. She will work hard to balance 1.9 meters into 1.7 meters.”

If not, 1.75 meters would be acceptable. But Zhang Jue’s rotational speed would definitely be affected, and whether he could maintain his current level of skating in the future was uncertain.

Sigh, if Zhang Jue’s development led him to fall into obscurity, there would likely be many comments about how he wasted his talent. The sense of falling from a top athlete to a second-tier competitor would be too heavy for a teenager.

This situation was unexpected for them because when Zhang Jue was young, he trained with Coach Lu and had his bone age measured when he joined the provincial team. This was mainly to prevent athletes from falsifying their ages and continuing to compete in junior events under the guise of older athletes, bullying other kids.
At that time, the doctor asked Zhang Jue’s parents about their heights and used the CHN method for measurement. The result was that the doctor politely said the child wouldn’t grow too tall and made Coach Song, Zhang Junbao, and others happy for many years.

It wasn’t until recently, when Zhang Junbao learned about Zhang Jue’s paternal height from Lan Kun, that he discovered their bone age measurements were inaccurate.

The CHN method’s data sample came from Chinese children, but their growth rate was like that of Black people living in America. The doctor had said they could grow to two meters, but they ended up just over 1.9 meters, with an arm span miraculously reaching two meters. After the results were revealed, the Lan brothers were once ridiculed as Black people with yellow skin.

Their body proportions and jumping ability were like Black people, and their musical talent and sense of rhythm were also very similar.

For various reasons, Zhang Jue’s final height wasn’t predicted accurately.

Zhang Jue: “…”

He felt apologetic. Even if he hadn’t slept eight hours a day during his growth period, hadn’t properly supplemented his nutrition, or trained regularly, Ms. Zhang’s genes didn’t manage to balance his height to 1.7 meters.

For Zhang Jue, the development stage might be the time when his biological father’s presence was the strongest in his life. Before that, his father’s greatest presence was when someone sent a notice of his death shortly after Ms. Zhang passed away, saying that his biological father had died from alcohol poisoning after learning about Ms. Zhang’s death. His bar was sold to compensate others, and Zhang Jue had no inheritance, only knowing that he lost another blood relative.
But Uncle was great, he was his treasure. Even for Uncle, Zhang Jue, who was increasingly passionate about figure skating, planned to give his all before the end of this season.


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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nate

    Please let him not grow to much and let him keep his jumps he’s worked so hard!!

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