Wolf Cub – Chapter 66

With exams approaching, the chemistry class was conducting a dry distillation experiment. Lin Shiyu had followed his classmates to the laboratory but realized at the door that he had forgotten his experiment report, so he ran back to the classroom to get it.

Just as he reached the classroom door, he heard a voice inside: 

“…so we get 1 and -2, here are two square roots of 6, cross-multiply to get the degree of cos α as negative square root of 6. This is the simplest and quickest method. Another method uses the difference of squares formula…”

Lin Shiyu walked in and saw that the empty classroom had only one student, Zuo Xiang, the top student in the grade, sitting at a desk and talking to his phone.

Zuo Xiang noticed him and took off his earphones. “Why aren’t you in class?”

Lin Shiyu was caught off guard by the question. “I came back to get my report. What are you doing?”

“I’m live streaming.”

Lin Shiyu: “?”

Zuo Xiang gave him a reassuring look and continued speaking into the earphones. “Did everyone understand? If you did, type 1, if not, I’ll explain again. Hm? That was my classmate you just heard. Yes, his voice is nice, but today’s stream is faceless, so I can’t show him to you.”

Lin Shiyu: “??”

Curious, Lin Shiyu carefully peeked at Zuo Xiang’s desk. There was a phone and a tablet in front of him. Zuo Xiang was holding an electronic pen, writing on the tablet, which displayed a list of math problems and a blank electronic scratchpad on the right side. The phone screen had two windows: a small one showing his hand and the area below his chin, and a large one displaying the tablet’s content.

Comments and gifts scrolled rapidly below the screen. Lin Shiyu noticed the account’s fan count displayed beside the live stream—one million.

One million fans?! Lin Shiyu was stunned. The top student in the grade was live streaming tutoring sessions online and had one million fans?!

He completely forgot about the report, and watched Zuo Xiang write and explain the problems. Zuo Xiang’s voice was pleasant, and his hands were particularly attractive, with long, distinct fingers. The way he held the pen and wrote could be described as aesthetically pleasing. Zuo Xiang calmly spoke into the earphones. “Yes, he’s very good-looking. I’m not bragging; the boys in our class are all star-level handsome. He’s even better-looking than me. If you don’t believe it, give this video over 100,000 likes, and I’ll have them appear on camera next time.”

Lin Shiyu: “???”

It seemed like Zuo Xiang was wrapping up his live stream. After explaining the last problem’s alternative solution, he said goodbye to his fans and ended the stream.

He turned to Lin Shiyu.

Lin Shiyu, still in shock, asked, “Why are you doing this?”

Zuo Xiang answered honestly, “To make money.”

He raised his tablet and shook it. “I bought this with the money I earned. It pays much better than tutoring.”

Lin Shiyu was filled with admiration. The top student not only excelled academically but also used his brains to make money, with one million fans. How much money does that make? Lin Shiyu knew nothing about the internet industry, but he suddenly felt that academic achievers were indeed formidable.

“You’re amazing,” Lin Shiyu said sincerely.

Zuo Xiang modestly nodded. “Just average.”

“How long have you been doing this?”

“Started in the third year of junior high. I found this site and saw all kinds of videos, so I decided to try it.” Zuo Xiang motioned for Lin Shiyu to sit next to him and showed him the phone. “It’s been quite popular these years. I didn’t expect so many people to watch me explain problems. Some people even messaged me asking for specific topics, and gradually, the audience grew.”

Zuo Xiang showed Lin Shiyu his earlier videos, all with tens of thousands of views. He explained that his viewership would increase several times if he appeared on camera. Usually, people liked watching his hands and listening to his voice, but few genuinely paid attention to the problems. By creating an attractive background, dressing neatly, and paying attention to details, his likes and tips would surge. He even rode the ASMR trend for a while, recording a few soft-speaking tutorial videos, which brought in tens of thousands more fans.

Lin Shiyu was awestruck, especially when Zuo Xiang showed him certificates and awards from the website for reaching a million followers. As they were engrossed in their conversation, footsteps approached, and a hand pinched Lin Shiyu’s cheek, startling him.


Zhong Qi had somehow returned from the laboratory and was now standing by their desk, pinching Lin Shiyu’s face. “Ruan Zhikai asked if you got lost while looking for the report.”

Lin Shiyu finally remembered his chemistry class. He grabbed the report, said goodbye to Zuo Xiang, and left the classroom with Zhong Qi.

On the way, he told Zhong Qi about Zuo Xiang. Zhong Qi listened with a series of “uh-huhs,” while Lin Shiyu, still in shock, said, “He has a million fans online.”


“He said he hadn’t asked his parents for money in a long time. All the money he earned was saved in a bank account, and he saved a lot…”


“I think so too. His grades are so good, and he still has time to make money. It’s really impressive—”

Zhong Qi lifted Lin Shiyu up and dragged him into the shadows behind the teaching building.

“He’s amazing?” Zhong Qi pinned Lin Shiyu against the wall, his tone surprisingly polite.

Lin Shiyu didn’t react at first and nodded honestly.

“And compared to your boyfriend?”

Lin Shiyu blushed instantly. “There’s no point in comparing that.”

Zhong Qi turned Lin Shiyu’s heated face back to him. “Say it.”

“What’s gotten into you!”

“If you don’t say it, I’ll kiss you.”

Lin Shiyu hurriedly pushed Zhong Qi’s face away. “Class! Are we going to class or not?”

Zhong Qi pinched his chin and bit down hard on his lips. Lin Shiyu yelped in pain, then, both embarrassed and angry, blurted out: “Zuo Xiang is the top of the grade, and you’re not. Who do you think is better?”

After shouting, Lin Shiyu saw Zhong Qi’s face change and realized he might have said the wrong thing. He stood there, cornered like he was being punished.

Zhong Qi’s expression was blank. “Oh, the top of the grade, huh?”

Lin Shiyu didn’t dare speak impulsively anymore, clamping his mouth shut. However, Zhong Qi didn’t say another word and turned to leave. Lin Shiyu got anxious and awkwardly chased after him, calling out Zhong Qi’s name, but he didn’t respond.

It was just a slip of the tongue, was he really that hard to please? Despite thinking this, Lin Shiyu followed Zhong Qi without much confidence, like a scolded puppy trailing behind its owner.

Since moving into the school, Zhong Qi hadn’t gone back home or cared about his parents’ divorce. Every weekend, he found ways to get Lin Shiyu to stay with him. Lin Hui had no objections, and even encouraged her son to spend more time with his excellent friend. Lin Shiyu went from being embarrassed and trying to escape to finally accepting the situation when he realized he couldn’t get away.

He knew Zhong Qi liked his cooking, so every weekend, they went to the supermarket together to buy groceries and then returned to the rented house to cook. Zhong Qi would always come into the kitchen to watch him, eventually pressing him against the counter for a kiss, which led to Lin Shiyu chasing him out in a huff.

Yet today Zhong Qi didn’t come to the kitchen. Lin Shiyu prepared a table full of food, placed a plate of braised fish on the table, and looked towards the bedroom in confusion.

He hung up his apron on a chair, walked over in his slippers, and opened the bedroom door to find Zhong Qi sitting at the desk, studying.

Lin Shiyu was surprised. Once he was outside the classroom, Zhong Qi rarely studied. He usually finished his homework quickly before the end of the school day and only started doing homework on weekends after ten at night. Otherwise, he either played around or supervised Lin Shiyu’s studies, with no additional study plans of his own.

What’s gotten into him? Lin Shiyu wondered, cautiously calling out, “Zhong Qi, time to eat.”

“Mm.” Zhong Qi put down his pen and went out to eat dinner with him. After dinner, they washed the dishes together as usual, but instead of playing Island of Fish or going to the playground, Zhong Qi turned around and went back to his room.

Puzzled, Lin Shiyu followed him and saw him sit back down and start reading again.

After some thinking, Lin Shiyu remembered what he had impulsively said a few days ago about Zuo Xiang being the top of the grade and Zhong Qi not being so. Could it be that Zhong Qi took his words seriously and decided to study hard?

That seemed unlikely. Zhong Qi wasn’t someone who acted impulsively over a single comment. Plus, Zuo Xiang was always far ahead of the second place by over ten or twenty points. It wasn’t easy to surpass him.

Then again, maybe it wasn’t impossible. Zhong Qi was extremely smart, effortlessly excelling in everything he did. Even without much effort, he always did well. Every time he explained problems, no matter how difficult, he could solve them. Even their teacher, Mr. Li, often said Zhong Qi was too lazy and lacked ambition.

As Lin Shiyu debated whether to go in, Zhong Qi noticed him. “Come in. Why are you just standing there?”

Lin Shiyu walked over and sat next to him. Zhong Qi handed him his homework. “I marked all your mistakes from yesterday. Fix them first, then do your homework.”

Zhong Qi almost completely managed Lin Shiyu’s studies, even more closely than their teacher, Mr. Li. Lin Shiyu’s homework and notes had to go through him. Their friend, Gao Jie, once tried to help Lin Shiyu with his studies but backed off after a single glance from Zhong Qi.

Lin Shiyu obediently sat beside Zhong Qi, correcting his mistakes. Occasionally, he glanced at Zhong Qi, who was diligently working through a book of advanced math problems. This book wasn’t part of their regular assignments since the problems were too difficult. Their teacher only used it for examples during class. Zhong Qi worked intently, his pen scribbling across the scratch paper, pausing occasionally to think. When deep in thought, his expression was even more serious, making him seem unapproachable.

“Finished?” Zhong Qi took Lin Shiyu’s corrected homework, checked it, and picked out a few mistakes to explain in detail. Afterward, he had Lin Shiyu rewrite them in his error log, then continued working on his advanced problems. He simultaneously solved math problems and tutored Lin Shiyu, switching to a set of physics problems after finishing the math. Lin Shiyu, watching in awe, was left clutching his pen in amazement.

In the evening, Lin Shiyu couldn’t stay awake any longer. After taking a shower and memorizing fifty words, he nestled into his blanket and fell asleep. However, he didn’t sleep soundly. Without someone holding him along with the blanket, it just didn’t feel right.

After some time, Lin Shiyu groggily turned over and opened his eyes to see the desk lamp still on. Zhong Qi had taken a shower, changed clothes, and was still sitting at the desk doing his homework.

Lin Shiyu was stunned for a moment. He turned to look at the clock on the desk. It was one in the morning.

“Zhong Qi, go to sleep!”

Zhong Qi responded that he knew, finished the last question, then closed his book and turned off the light. Lin Shiyu, a bit upset, said, “You shouldn’t stay up this late.”

Zhong Qi squeezed in next to him, pushing him towards the wall. “Don’t you like the top student?”

He pinched Lin Shiyu’s protesting mouth. “If I really get it, you should reconsider who is better.”


Edited by: Jaisland



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