Fierce “Husband” – Chapter 226

The first meeting between father and son was not as tearful as expected by the crowd, though their eyes were slightly red. Naturally, it was General Dai Mingrong whose eyes were moist. However, Shao Yunan was not completely unaffected. The May air in Huxingguan was still chilly, prompting Dai Mingrong to usher his son and grandson into the tent.

After spring arrived, Dai Mingrong moved into the commander’s tent in the military camp instead of the general’s mansion in the city to be prepared for sudden military actions when the commander was absent. Upon receiving a letter from his eldest son, knowing his younger son’s family was coming, Dai Mingrong had the general’s mansion prepared. However, Shao Yunan still wanted to see his father as soon as possible and check on the frontline soldiers, so he had no plans to move to the general’s mansion for now. Moreover, his father and brother were both staying in tents, so he didn’t want any special treatment. As for the children, with the magic of space, he wasn’t worried about them enduring any hardships.

The environment in the military camp was definitely inferior compared to the capital, not to mention the current Loyal and Brave Village. Dai Mingrong’s tent was large, but it was cold inside, with simple furnishings—just wooden beds slightly larger than single beds and narrower than double beds.

Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi led Nizi, and the two boys were very eager about the military camp. Nizi was curious and looked around, being children who had experienced hardships. They did not show any disdain for the simple conditions here. The three children’s clothing was not luxurious—comfortable and durable cotton clothes. Although cotton clothes were affordable only to wealthy families in the Great State of Yan, the three children wore them according to their current status, which was not high. Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan also wore cotton clothes, gaining favor from the border soldiers as a family.

Dai Mingrong had the duty soldiers light charcoal fires. He was not afraid of the cold, but his son and grandson couldn’t bear it, especially the crown prince. Little Xingyi was asleep, and the little prince was wide-eyed, looking around. Both children were easy to care for and did not cry much, especially little Xingyiyi, who slept well.

The generals of Tiger Army all came to pay respects to Loyal and Brave Duke. Their feelings toward this country’s duke, once from Tiger Army, were mixed. But everyone sighed: “A woman should marry well, and a man should also marry well!”

Yet in their conflicted feelings, there was also genuine joy. Seeing the hundreds of carriages with supplies, everyone knew there would be good food again! However, these generals were astute, after paying respects to Loyal and Brave Duke and Madam Wang Shao, they left, leaving the commander and his son to talk.

The charcoal brazier inside the handsome tent had been lit up. If Su Chenyì were here, General Bìqi could reunite with his family. Shao Yunan first introduced Wang Qing, Nizi, and Jiang Moxi to their grandfather, then placed his youngest son in his father’s arms, saying: “Father, this is Xíngyì. He loves to sleep, he’s slept for ten hours today.”

Dai Mingrong had no experience holding children. After decades of fighting with fierce Huhar bandits, he was nervous as he held his tiny grandson.
“He sleeps well. More sleep means good growth” Shao Yunan said, though nervous, Dai Mingrong couldn’t bear to let go. He looked at his grandson for a while, his face wrinkling with a smile, but his eyes momentarily reddened.

After spending some time with his grandson, Dai Mingrong looked up at the Crown Prince. Wang Shijing brought the child over, and Dai Mingrong quietly asked: “Everything okay on the way?”

“Very good. The two children have been eating and sleeping. There haven’t been any issues,” replied Wang Shíjing. “They’ve mostly been in the carriage, fed with spring water, which is even better.”

Dai Mingrong sighed in relief but still cautioned: “Both children are too young. Be careful. You should return to the city soon. The General’s Mansion has been prepared. While conditions aren’t as good as in the capital, they’re still much better than here.” He looked up. “Young Zhan, you’ll escort them back later.”

“Father” Shao Yunan stopped Dai Zhanxiao and said: “We’d like to stay at the military camp for a few days. Rest assured, we took good care of the children on our journey, and settling them down won’t be a problem. Wang Qing and the others all want to see a real military camp, and I also want to see the places where you and brother fought.”

Dai Mingrong disagreed, and Wang Shíjing also persuaded: “Father-in-law, rest assured. As long as the children are slightly uncomfortable, we’ll immediately return to the city.”

Dai Zhanxiao added: “Father Marshal, Yunan and Loyal and Brave Duke won’t joke about the children. Since they want to stay, they will certainly take good care of the two children, and there’s still me.”

Dai Mingrong glared at him: “Do you, a bachelor, know how to care for kids?”

Dai Zhanxiao scratched his nose, silently thinking: It’s not like you, Father, understand.

However, Dai Mingrong didn’t insist on them returning to the city. Jiang Moxi pulled Shao Yunan, who lowered his head. Jiang Moxi said: “Uncle, outside.”

Shao Yunan looked at Wang Qing and Nizi, smiling: “Want to go out and play?”

“Yeah!” Wang Qing and Nizi’s eyes sparkled.

Dai Zhanxiao immediately said: “Uncle will find someone to take you out to play.”

Dai Zhanxiao called for Shi Zhuang to bring three children to the military camp for a visit. The three children went happily, and although Jiang Moxi still had an unexpressive face, Shao Yunan knew he was also happy. Dai Zhanxiao then instructed preparations for new tents. The Loyal and Brave Duke and their family were to stay in the military camp, which lifted the spirits of the soldiers. Particularly the vanguard soldiers who had benefited from the public’s generosity volunteered to set up tents for them.

Wang Shijing took Wang Xing and Wang Zhuanghua on this trip. He instructed the two to accompany soldiers from the vanguard to fetch things for the loyal and brave public’s family and to set up tents. Wang Shijing found people from the Loyal and Brave Village particularly useful. Wang Xing and Wang Zhuanghua were especially pleased to accompany Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan on this trip. They walked with their chests out in front of others.

While the two were busy, a lean and somewhat pale young soldier stood in a corner, watching with a complex expression as the vanguard soldiers chatted and laughed. He watched Wang Xing and Wang Zhuanghua bring luggage, but his complicated gaze ultimately fell on the handsome tent.

Dai Mingrong was reluctant to let go of his grandson, and Shao Yunan didn’t compete with him. He handed over the supplies list brought this time to the other party. Dai Mingrong handed his grandson to Shao Yunan and looked over the list. Dai Zhanxiao said: “Father General, these supplies are partly allocated by the Ministry of Revenue, partly from the Emperor’s private treasury and by Yunan and them. Half of it needs to be sent to General Kuoye Night Pass.”

Dai Mingrong’s expression was serious as he asked the most important question: “If we go to war with the Huhar Kingdom, will the court still provide grain and fodder?”

“Of course, they will,” Shao Yunan replied: “Most of the provisions brought this time are produced from the fields of the Loyal and Brave Mansion. The part allocated by the Ministry of Revenue is mainly for military supplies. The Emperor has already ordered the Ministry of Revenue to handle the provisions. Once the war starts, even if we tighten our belts, we must ensure the supply of grain and fodder for the border soldiers.”

Dai Mingrong was reassured, but he disapproved as he spoke to his son: “Even if you can make money, you can’t spend it recklessly. Tens of thousands of troops are not something you can afford. Others even say that your Loyal and Brave Mansion and General Mansion want to turn the court’s army into their own private army.”
Wang Shijing said: “Father-in-law, rest assured. Both Yunan and I didn’t buy directly with silver. The donated grain and fodder were also compensated by the Emperor, albeit symbolically. But it won’t give others a reason.”

Although Dai Mingrong said so, he was secretly very pleased. He regretted that his son had married a man, but he was especially proud that his son could achieve such success and even support the border. No one else’s son had such ability, his son was the only one in the entire Great State of Yan!

What Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan didn’t say was that with the Emperor present, how could they possibly give others a chance to grasp their handle? Shao Yunan came to visit his father and uncle, bringing some “gifts” himself, and no one had any objections. As for sensitive things like grain and fodder, they were bought by the Ministry of Revenue. At most, it meant less money was given, which could only show that the Loyal and Brave Mansion couple were kind-hearted and willing to support the border soldiers for the court and the Emperor.

However, it must be said that since Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing had money, and since Shao Yunan was recognized by the Dai family, the pressure on Dai Mingrong and Dai Mingjun’s side had indeed eased somewhat. Not to mention that the soldiers ate and dressed better, at least there was more food and thicker clothes. It can be said that the Loyal and Brave Mansion wholeheartedly supported the border. The main two military forces of Great State of Yan were relieved, and the court could invest the extra silver into other military forces, thereby indirectly improving the treatment of soldiers in other military forces.
Emperor Yongming had already decided that once the war started, Prince Murong would be responsible for coordinating the grain and fodder. Prince Murong performance in disaster relief had deeply satisfied Emperor Yongming.

“General! The subordinate requests an audience!”

“Come in.”

Dai Zhanxiao lifted the curtain and entered, looking straight ahead and saying seriously: “General, Duke and Madam have brought too many New Year gifts for the General. They need to be placed separately. Please instruct!”

Dai Zhanxiao chuckled, and Dai Mingrong held back a black line on his forehead, saying: “It’s been several months since the New Year. Where did these New Year gifts come from?”

Shao Yunan said: “Father, since you and Uncle and Elder Brother couldn’t go home for the New Year, the family knew I was coming over and prepared New Year gifts. I and Shijing also prepared some.”

Dai Zhanxiao swallowed saliva: “General, there are twenty carts of those New Year gifts.” Twenty carts, twenty carts ah!
Shao Yunan said: “Half of them belong to Uncle.”

If Dai Mingrong still didn’t understand Dai Zhanxiao meaning now, he wouldn’t be a General. Wang Shijing stood up and said: “There are many types of those things. General Dai and General Dai will go and count them.”

Dai Zhanxiao eyes lit up, and Dai Mingrong glanced at him disdainfully, speaking gently to Wang Shijing: “Then trouble you.”

Shao Yunan said: “Shijing, you and Big Brother take the two children over. Should the tent be set up?”


Wang Shijing hugged the Prince, and Dai Zhanxiao knew that his younger brother had something to say to his father alone, so he didn’t delay, holding little Xingyi and Wang Shijing and going out together. Dai Zhanxiao hurriedly followed, eyes gleaming.

With no one else around, Shao Yunan stood up and respectfully bowed to Dai Mingrong: “Father.”

Dai Mingrong stood up, circled the desk, walked to Shao Yunan, supported him with both hands, eyes moist: “Zhan An, Yunan, you have suffered.”

Shao Yunan looked up and smiled: “Not suffering. I’m fortunate to know my origins in this lifetime and to see Father, Uncle, and Elder Brother. I’m already very lucky.”

“…Good, good.” A thousand words were condensed into a simple “good.”

“Father, those New Year gifts were all arranged by Shijing. But I also have a gift for Father.”

“Dai Mingrong” you are now the Loyal and Brave General, and you should have money in your hands. Don’t spend it recklessly.”

“This gift didn’t cost me any money, it was given by someone else. It’s just a decoration in my hands. It’s most appropriate to give it to Father. Grandpa doesn’t even know about this.”

Dai Mingrong became interested: “What is it?”

Shao Yunan took out a very thick bundle from the bag he asked Dai Zhanxiao to help carry when he came in and handed it over with both hands. Dai Mingrong took it, feeling its weight, and was surprised. What could it be like a book?

Glancing at his son, seeing the mysterious smile on the other’s face, Dai Mingrong walked back to the desk and sat down, opening it. When a book appeared in front of him, Dai Mingrong was instantly shocked. The first book had the title – “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu.

Dai Mingrong looked up, then quickly lowered his head, picking up this book, and exclaimed again, the next book, titled – “The Real Records of Military Training.”
Dai Mingrong quickly picked up this book. The real military training has two books, and then there is “Ji Xiao’s New Book.” Dai Mingrong checked one by one, there is also “God Machine to the Enemy Tai Bai Yinjing,” “Sun Bin Art of War,” “Taigong Six Tao,” “Wuzi,” “Wei Liaozi,” “Sima Fa,” “Hu Qinjing,” “Sixteen Strategies of Defense” and “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”.

Dai Mingrong breathed heavily as if he could pass out at any moment, his face flushed, and his hands trembled. What Shao Yunan had given him were the top ten ancient military classics, his collection, all in classical Chinese. “Sixteen Strategies of Defense” was authored by Zhuge Liang, originally a gift when he bought this set of top ten military classics. “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” was an additional gift from Yunan. With its famous generals and diverse military strategies, as a military leader, reading through the Three Kingdoms would definitely bring about different insights.

These books had all been given an antique treatment by Shao Yunan, although it was mainly just altering the covers. Certainly, any content related to modern publishers like XX Publishing would have been removed.

“Father, these books are for you, my brother, uncle, and cousin to peruse. This set is unique, even Grandfather doesn’t know about it.”

Dai Mingrong lifted his head, his nostrils flaring from his rapid breathing.

“These books, you got them from…”

“They were gifted by an enlightened monk.”


“You’d better keep these safe.”


Suddenly, Dai Mingrong felt his tent was very unsafe!

“Well then, shall I pack them up for you first, and you can look at them one by one?”

Dai Mingrong glanced at the books, his breath trembling.

“Why don’t you start with ‘The Art of War’?”

After some hesitation, Dai Mingrong made a decision: “Help me pack these books first, and make sure to hide them well!”

“Don’t worry, I’m the best at hiding things.”

Dai Mingrong didn’t care about any supplies anymore, nor did he think about his sons and grandsons. Leaving behind a “Come find me at the General’s Mansion if needed,” he took ‘The Art of War’ and hurried out of the commander’s tent. He didn’t even bother to inform Dai Zhanxiao, leaving the Tiger Army puzzled—why did the General leave the Second Young Master and Little Young Master behind and run off by himself?

Edited by: Jaisland



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