Fierce “Husband” – Chapter 201

In Loyal and Brave Village, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan lived a rich and satisfying life. In the capital, both of them were busy, and being in the General’s Mansion brought many inconveniences, even in their intimate affairs. But returning to the village, back in their own home, they could finally let go of their inhibitions. Night after night, they indulged in passionate lovemaking, especially Wang Shijing, who had been holding back for so long. With the Spirit Spring and Spirit Milk at hand, he had no fear of tiring or hurting Shao Yunan. Wang Shijing became even more uninhibited, to the point where Shao Yunan woke up every morning looking thoroughly satisfied, leaving the elders wondering whether they should warn them about being careful with their health.

On the ancient tea tree path of Xishan, Wang Shijing leaned against an old tea tree, his eyes dark and intense as he looked down at the person in front of him, his throat emitting a suppressed growl. Shao Yunan, with his shirt slipping off his shoulders, knelt before Wang Shijing, servicing the towering beast between his legs. In matters of intimacy, Shao Yunan’s boldness always left Wang Shijing particularly satisfied, to the extent that even the conservative Wang Shijing became more open-minded under his influence. In the past, Wang Shijing would never have engaged in such activities with anyone, it was something he wouldn’t have even considered. But now, he only felt an abnormal excitement.

Wang Shijing’s beast was fully awakened, and it was no exaggeration to describe it as a “titan.” At this moment, that thick, dark beast moved in and out of Shao Yunan’s rosy lips. Even though only half of it could fit inside, such depravity only heightened Wang Shijing’s desire. With the sound of trickling water in his ears, Wang Shijing’s Adam’s apple bobbed twice before he suddenly withdrew himself, pushing Shao Yunan to the ground and turning him over so that the other was facing away from him, roughly pulling down his loose trousers and entering him with force.


Shao Yunan, who was suddenly penetrated, not only didn’t feel pain but instead felt comfortable, tilting his head back and squinting his eyes, relishing the sensation of being forcefully penetrated…

“Ge, harder, Mm—”

In the slightly dim forest, Shao Yunan’s unrestrained moans echoed, while Wang Shijing relentlessly pounded away like a perpetual motion machine. Brother Tiger, soaking in water in the space, had no idea what those two were doing behind his back. When the moans finally ceased, Shao Yunan lay panting on the ground covered in dry leaves, unable to lift a finger.

“Ge… you’re really fierce…”

Praised by his husband, Wang Shijing’s eyes showed obvious pleasure and pride. The dormant beast still buried in the warm place, Wang Shijing kissed Shao Yunan’s eyes, rarely saying: “My wife is still so tight.”

Shao Yunan chuckled, finding it difficult for Wang Shijing to say such words in bed.

“Wife, I’m going out.”


Wang Shijing left, and Shao Yunan lay down on his side, asking silkily: “Brother Tiger is inside, how will you clean up?”

“Not cleaning.”

Wang Shijing pressed his hand on Shao Yunan’s stomach and covered the area that hadn’t closed yet with his other hand. Neither of them had taken off their clothes, and Shao Yunan pressed Wang Shijing’s hand on his stomach, asking: “Don’t you want a child?””

Wang Shijing asked back: “What if I say I do?”

Shao Yunan ruthlessly pushed away his hand: “Then you can bear it yourself.”

Wang Shijing lay down, pulled the person onto his body, and pulled up his pants: “Don’t want it that much? I’m too big to have a baby.”

With a sigh, Wang Shijing stroked gently: “Okay, wife doesn’t want to, then we won’t. Don’t move, lie with me for a while.”

Ignoring the damp and cool dry leaves beneath them, Wang Shijing held Shao Yunan in his arms, quietly watching the leaky sky above the dense forest, enjoying the warmth of the moment. Shao Yunan closed his eyes, listening to the sound of Wang Shijing’s heartbeat as if he hadn’t been so peaceful for a long time.

By the time the two came down from the mountain, it was almost afternoon. No one could tell that they had fought three hundred rounds on the mountain. Their clothes were the same as before they left, but exceptionally clean, thanks to the full-automatic washing and drying machine in the space. Brother Tiger walked behind them, and Wang Shijing dragged a dead feather bird.

As soon as the two entered the house, the steward Fusheng reported that someone from the palace had arrived. The two hurried to the main hall, where the old lady, the old master, and Su Chenyi were all present, along with an unfamiliar guest.

As soon as Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan entered, the guest bowed and said: “Master, Young Master, His Majesty sent me to deliver an urgent message to Master and Young Master.”

With that, he took out a letter from his pocket and handed it over with both hands. Wang Shijing took the letter and opened it. After a while, he was obviously surprised. Fusheng took the messenger to rest, and Wang Shijing handed the letter to Shao Yunan, saying to the others in the room: “Empress is pregnant, and the Emperor wants Yunan to return to the capital.”


The old lady, the old master, and Su Chenyi were all stunned. Shao Yunan, who was reading the letter, looked up: “Let me go back to the capital?”

Wang Shijing: “The letter says Empress only wants to eat the dishes you make and asks you to return to the capital. I’ll stay here.”


Shao Yunan, after reading the letter, was not angry but rather worried that his absence would affect the sales of Wine. But Empress appetite was really bad. Although Guo Zimu entered the palace every day to cook for him, Empress had to admit that he was unwilling to let the Emperor interact too much with Guo Zimu, even though the Emperor himself tried to avoid meeting Guo Zimu. Anyway, Shao Yunan was their own nephew, and they felt more comfortable ordering him around.

Empress asked Jiang Kangchen to find a suitable place in the capital to build a brewing workshop according to Shao Yunan’s letter. Meanwhile, Guo Zimu, who received the letter, breathed a sigh of relief. Although Shao Yunan couldn’t return immediately, he would be back in the capital in at most a month and a half. To be honest, Guo Zimu didn’t like going to the palace either. He could feel that Empress wasn’t very close to him, or perhaps a bit reserved, and he felt the same way. Perhaps the happiest ones were Wang Qing and Nizi while Jiang Moxi was too busy to be seen every day. Wang Qing and Niz, while worrying about their eldest brother, also missed their father and uncle who were far away in Loyal and Brave Village. Now that their uncle was coming back, they were naturally delighted.

After the palace’s messenger took the letter away, Shao Yunan immediately threw himself into the great task of teaching Zhao He how to brew. By the time the red sour fruit were ready for harvesting and purchasing, he would almost have to return to the capital, so time was very tight. The red sour fruit had already begun to be harvested one after another, and Shao Yunan was teaching Zhao He in the backyard of Li’s house what grade of fruits produced the best wine. Pricing the wine differently according to different grades of fruits was also very important in controlling the quality of the fruits.

Zhao He was very serious about learning and even took notes. After Shao Yunan told him that he intended to teach him how to brew, Zhao He began learning to recognize words with his son. Li’s family had earned money last year and bought more than ten mu of land, planted fruit trees and also planted red sour fruits. Now, all the red sour fruits harvested by Li’s family were given to Zhao He to practice with. Shao Yunan and Zhao He worked on brewing wine in the brewing room they set up in the backyard of Li’s house, undisturbed.

“The addition of sulfur dioxide is the most critical step, but you must be careful not to poison yourself. Our tools are still too rudimentary, so we need to take precautions, and this step you must grasp yourself.”

“Got it!”

Zhao He, fully armed, looked solemn.

It was already dark outside. Shao Yunan pushed the wine barrel containing sulfur dioxide to one side and opened the window to ventilate. He and Wang Shijing had already devised a set of equipment for adding sulfur dioxide gas. Although the amount of gas emitted now was minimal, it was still very pungent. Zhao He had remembered the crucial steps in brewing, and when he fully mastered the brewing technique, he would destroy his notes. Taking the water handed to him by Shao Yunan, Zhao He removed his mask and took several sips, then said: “The water in your house is sweet.”

Shao Yunan smiled and said: “The water in my house is brought from the back mountain by Brother Jing. You know, the back mountain of my house is a treasure land.”

Thinking of where the immortal fruit came from, Zhao He’s hand trembled, and then he drank all the water in the bamboo tube. Shao Yunan said: “Try to use the water from our village as much as possible when brewing wine. If the water quality is good elsewhere, we can also open a winery nearby in the future. But that’s something for later. After I leave, brew a batch and hand it over to Brother Jing, marking the time and grade.”

“Rest assured.”

Stretching lazily, Shao Yunan rubbed his neck: “It’s late. I’m going back now. The red sour fruits can be collected by sending someone over in a few days. I’ll also have to set off in a few days. When I leave, I’ll take a batch of yang milk fruits with me.”

“We’re ready here, ready to start collecting at any time. I’ll escort you back.”

“No need, I’m not leaving the village.”

Yawning, Shao Yunan walked out, and Zhao He hurried to catch up.

Village Head and Zhao Yuande both offered to see him off, but Shao Yunan declined. Although his house was a bit farther away, it was still in the village. Moreover, Wang Shijing was now a marquis, and with guards, one could say that Loyal and Brave Village was now a safe place. Waving goodbye to Zhao family, Shao Yunan hummed an English song on his way home. These days, he could only return home very late every day, and he didn’t let Wang Shijing come to pick him up. Wang Shijing had been planning to build a temple these days, and he had to finalize the design before Shao Yunan left. After the temple was built, he would have to bring the children back for a visit.

You could see the lanterns hanging outside your own mansion from afar. Shao Yunan quickened his pace. It was already late, and Shijing must be anxious. Anxious to return home, Shao Yunan didn’t see a dark figure sneaking up behind him. In the next moment, the back of Shao Yunan’s head was hit hard, and in the sudden pain, he lost consciousness.



Edited by: Jaisland



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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Ruby Bonsu


  2. shen

    ugh he is so careless, he should bring guard everywhere

  3. Ash

    Agree he is careless, at least carry a weapon on yourself. Also. The empress really acts like an empress, making yunan cook for him, when he needs to make wine.

    1. amethist67


  4. Son

    *Looks at the camera like I’m on The Office*

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