Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan went to sleep, but the others who remained at An Si Court had no thoughts of sleeping. The younger son of Dai Mingrong, Dai Zhan, was abducted by the Hu people at the border. Originally, the Hu people intended to use this to blackmail Dai Mingrong, but the Hu people who abducted Dai Zhan mysteriously lost their heads.
Since then, Dai Zhan’s whereabouts have been unknown. At that time, collusion between traitors in the court and the Hu people had led to the plan to frame the Dai family. The enemies eventually met a tragic end, but Dai Zhan couldn’t be found. The situation was perilous at the time with a new emperor ascending the throne, so for the greater good, the Dai family had to secretly send people to search, delaying the opportunity. This delay resulted in twelve years of separation for the family.
The Empress advised Old Lord Zheng and Old Lady not to ruin their health and go rest. Whether Shao Yunan was the missing Dai Zhan could be determined by arresting the Shao family for questioning. However, Old Lord Zheng and Old Lady couldn’t find peace of mind. The missing child was a pain in the heart of every member of the Dai family, especially Dai Mingrong and Su Chenyi. For over a decade, every time Su Chenyi came to Ansi Court, it was a heartbreaking experience.
After finally persuading Old Lord Zheng and Old Lady to rest, the Empress sighed deeply. Emperor Yongming hugged him and said, “Don’t worry. It seems that we are close to the truth.”
However, the Empress shook his head and said with a heavy tone, “Your Majesty, Shao Yunan knows that there is something peculiar about his adoption, but why has he never thought of finding his biological family? Even if he had no choice before, now with his current status, finding his family is just a matter of words, but he has never taken such action.”
Only now did Emperor Yongming realize, furrowing his brows. “Could it be that he simply doesn’t want to know who his biological parents are?” The Empress shook his head. “What’s to be feared is that he has no interest in it at all.” Emperor Yongming didn’t understand. “Why wouldn’t he want to find his own family?” The Empress said with a heavy tone, “That, you’ll have to ask him.”
Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing embraced each other in a deep sleep in the guestroom of the General’s mansion. However, the masters of the King Rong mansion were still awake.
King Luo Rong went to Xiushui Village and brought back three children and a masked man, along with three big tigers. Those three big cats almost scared the steward of the King mansion to death and gave the heir of the King a heart attack. Fortunately, with the three children present, Brother Tiger and Big and Little Gold showed some restraint.
King Luo Rong first ordered dinner. After the three children finished eating, they went to sleep. It was getting late. Brother Tiger and Big and Little Gold had meat to eat, and the chickens and ducks from the King mansion were temporarily given to them. As for why it was temporary, Brother Tiger and Big and Little Gold were not interested in ordinary meat, but without Shao Yunan around, they could only make do for now.
Returning to his mansion, King Luo Rong personally arranged their accommodations. The three children stayed in the yard next to the eldest son and second young master, with Nizi living alone in one room, and Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi in another. With the second young master being introverted, there was no fear of him starting conflicts with the three children. Brother Tiger and Big and Little Gold also lived with the three children, whether on the bed or on the floor, whichever they preferred.
However, Guo Zimu’s room was “exquisite.” Regardless of the surprised eyes of everyone, King Luo Rong, ignoring the astonishment of everyone, arranged for Guo Zimu to stay right next to his own yard. King Luo Rong had sent someone back earlier to report the news and quickly tidy up that yard. This young master dared to arrange an underling wearing a mask right next to him and the entire Wang mansion instantly understood.
It was already late and everyone had some casual food. King Luo Rong asked Guo Zimu and the three children to return to their rooms first, and then had the steward send someone to boil water for them to bathe. After King Luo Rong finished arranging everything, the eldest son, Murong Yi, moved to his side, pulling at his sleeve.
“What’s the matter?” King Luo Rong, still thinking about whether to arrange a maid or a servant for Guo Zimu, was pulled back to reality by his son’s tug. “Dad.” Murong Yi had a sly look, “Is that Guo Zimu the foster father you found for me and Little Hui?” King Luo Rong immediately gave his son a wallop. “What nonsense! Zimu is even younger than you. Do you think your dad is a beast?” King Luo Rong completely ignored the guilty conscience he felt when he said this.
Murong Yi rubbed his painful forehead and explained, “You can’t blame me for misunderstanding. And you arranged for him at Feiliu Courtyard, right next to you. Dad, why is he wearing a mask? Is his appearance ruined and he can’t bear to be seen?”
“It’s you who can’t bear to be seen!” King Luo Rong definitely had the potential to be an adoptive father at this moment. “That young man from the Gu family is just too good-looking. He can’t be seen by those ordinary folks.” Upon hearing this, Murong Yi immediately requested, “If he’s that good-looking, then I want to see!”
King Luo Rong, for some reason, was a bit annoyed by his eldest son. “Go, go, go, quickly go back to your room and rest. It’s so late; do you want to feel uncomfortable in your chest again tomorrow? You are not allowed to go find Zimu, do you hear me? Unless Zimu takes off the mask himself. Little Hui, I trust you, but if you upset Zimu, Dad will spank you!” Murong Yi took a sharp breath. “You still say you’re not finding a little father for me!”
“Are you feeling itchy?”
“I’m going to bed!” Murong Yi ran off, frightening King Luo Rong, who shouted after him. “Don’t run! Don’t run!” Murong Yi quickly stopped, covering his chest and walking slowly. With the eldest son gone, King Luo Rong couldn’t help but feel his heart racing a bit. He thumped his chest, calmed himself down, and left.
King Luo Rong first went to the three children’s courtyard. The children were already asleep, with brother Tiger sleeping in Nizi’s room, and Big and Little Gold squeezed in with Jiang Moxi and Wang Qing. Regardless of whether Big and Little Gold were on the bed, he covered Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi with a blanket and told Miao Yuan and Su Ce to take care of the two young masters. Only then did he leave.
Turning back to his own courtyard, King Luo Rong hesitated with his steps. He wandered around the yard for two laps, not entering the room, but leaving the courtyard and going to the neighboring Feiliu Courtyard. Once he entered the yard, seeing that the candles inside were still lit, King Luo Rong immediately pushed the door open. As he entered, two maids responsible for attending to Guo Zimu saw him and quickly stood up to bow.
Edited by: Jaisland
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