Your Majesty, you mustn’t! – Chapter 14 For the King

After Xiao Rong came down, he returned to the palace to rest, escorted by the guards.


When the guards learned that he resided in the palace, they immediately felt a deep respect. So, this was the famous Master Xiao they had heard about. As frail as he looked, he still received the same treatment as Master Gao. It seemed the King really favored him. Or perhaps not; their King’s temperament was too unpredictable.


The next day, Xiao Rong added a few more notes to his “Biography of Qu Yunmei” and then leisurely went out to find someone to talk to.


His target was Gao Xunzhi, but Gao Xunzhi wasn’t at his residence. He had gone to discuss military affairs with the King. Despite Xiao Rong’s crafty strategies gaining him some favor with Qu Yunmei, he was still insignificant in the palace. Compared to Gao Xunzhi, he was even less influential than Yu Shaoxie, who had been here for eight months and diligently served, enjoying the palace’s hospitality.


Meanwhile, Xiao Rong, if he wandered too far, would be questioned about his identity.


Not wanting to appear rash, he lingered in front of the hall, waiting for someone to come out.


The palace was divided into three sections. The central hall was for the King and Queen, but since the King was single, it was just Qu Yunmei. The left side housed Gao Xunzhi, Xiao Rong, some on-duty guards, and occasionally hosted generals. The right side, by custom, was for Qu Yunmei’s concubines, though Xiao Rong wasn’t sure if Qu Yunmei had any.


He certainly didn’t have a wife, history would have recorded that. As a significant figure for four years, any wife would’ve been noted. Concubines, however, were a different matter. Unless exceptionally beautiful or involved in major events, they rarely received much attention.


Standing at the second gate, Xiao Rong craned his neck to look at the right wing. Since Qu Yunmei had no recorded consorts, he had become a top character in historical romance novels, with countless fictional heroines pining for him.


Wait a minute…


Xiao Rong’s face darkened. Wasn’t he doing exactly what those fictional heroines did?


With that realization, Xiao Rong lost interest in Qu Yunmei’s concubines and turned to leave, only to bump into an armored man.


The man, about the same age as Jian Qiao, had a similar attire but was taller and had a refined look, more like a scholar than a general.


Intending to pass quietly, the man was startled when Xiao Rong turned around. He courteously cupped his hands. “Master Xiao, I am Yuan Baifu. I’ve long admired your reputation.”


Xiao Rong, blinking, stared at him without moving.


Yuan Baifu outranked Xiao Rong significantly. Although Xiao Rong was Qu Yunmei’s advisor, he held no official title, whereas Yuan Baifu commanded the Left Army, the largest of the four armies. Yuan Baifu’s courtesy was due to his manners, not because he was lesser. Seeing Xiao Rong’s lack of response, he straightened up, puzzled.


Xiao Rong suddenly flashed a bright smile, warmer than any he’d given Qu Yunmei. “General Yuan, you’re too kind. I’m just a commoner. Your fame, alongside the King’s, echoes throughout the Central Plains.”


Yuan Baifu modestly smiled. “You flatter me, sir. How can I compare to the King? Well, I mustn’t keep him waiting.”


Xiao Rong understood instantly and gestured for him to proceed. “Please, don’t let the King wait.”


Before leaving, Yuan Baifu bowed to him again, then quickly headed inside. After a few steps, he turned back to glance at Xiao Rong.


Leaning weakly against the palace gate, Xiao Rong gave him another warm smile.


Yuan Baifu: “…”


Was it Xiao Rong’s imagination, or did Yuan Baifu speed up?


Not long after Yuan Baifu entered, Gao Xunzhi came out. Seeing Xiao Rong waiting, he smiled warmly.


Xiao Rong: “…”


He suddenly understood how Yuan Baifu felt.


After explaining his purpose, Gao Xunzhi, learning it was official business, led him to the council hall.


Seated opposite each other, Xiao Rong first apologized. “Yesterday, despite your earnest advice, I was too worried about the King’s impulsiveness and went to see him.”


Gao Xunzhi: “…”


He couldn’t help but ask, “Did the King trouble you?”


Xiao Rong replied, “No, but the King’s words showed deep hatred for the Xianbei and Li Xiuheng, which worries me.”


Gao Xunzhi sighed. “That’s unavoidable. You’ve not been in Yanmen County long and don’t know the Northern Border Army’s past. Right now Li Xiuheng is just a minor threat, and the Xianbei are on the decline. By autumn, after the King conquers the Murong Clan of the Xianbei and avenges past wrongs, he should be better.”


Xiao Rong disagreed. “Will he really be better? The Xianbei did those things, but the court facilitated it. Emperor Guangjia may be dead, but his descendants still sit securely on the throne, feeding thousands of parasites. You know the King’s character better than I do. Can he really ignore the revelry on the other side?”


Gao Xunzhi: “…”


He hesitated, looking puzzled at Xiao Rong. “What are you suggesting?”


Xiao Rong said, “A centipede dies but never falls down stiff. When the Yong Dynasty moved south, they took all the good things they could carry. The Southern Yong is wealthy and has countless supporters. By the time the King turns his attention to them, they’ve already been watching him for a long time.


“Li Xiuheng has joined forces with the Qingfeng Cult, which has allied with the Xianbei. Indeed, one is a petty troublemaker, and the other is skilled at stirring up trouble. However, the former can entice significant figures within the Northern Border Army to defect, and the latter is adept at guiding public opinion. I wonder if the Chancellor has heard the children in Yanmen County singing this nursery rhyme: ‘The Chiyou banner emerges from the north, but the lucky star is in the east’?”


Gao Xunzhi was stunned. He’d left around the same time as Jian Qiao and returned even later. If Jian Qiao hadn’t heard of it, he wouldn’t have either.


Seeing his reaction, it was clear that Jian Qiao hadn’t told him about it, perhaps thinking it wasn’t significant or not wanting Qu Yunmei to know.


Gao Xunzhi, being well-educated, understood the implications. He was both shocked and angry. After a while, he asked Xiao Rong, “Did the Qingfeng Cult spread this?”


Xiao Rong raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know. Perhaps, perhaps not. On the day the Chiyou Banner appeared, I was on my way to Pingyang and didn’t hear any similar nursery rhymes. Not in the nearby bustling Pingyang City, but in Yanmen County, children were singing it. Listen to the last line, ‘but the lucky star is in the east.’ This was meant for the Northern Border Army. Otherwise, why would outsiders mention ‘the east’?”


This meant the nursery rhyme originated in the Northern Border Army’s headquarters. Those responsible didn’t wait for time to spread it across the Central Plains, but handed it directly to spies, stabbing the Northern Border Army in the heart.


Gao Xunzhi was furious. His first suspicion was the Qingfeng Cult, known for their trickery. Yet after Xiao Rong’s reminder, he calmed down.


Indeed, the first half was slander against the Northern Border Army and a curse on the Northern King, but the second half was more insidious.


If people believed this nursery rhyme and started to feel unsafe, they would naturally head east, to where the lucky star was said to shine.


If the Chiyou Banner was a bad omen, the lucky star was a good one. Nearly every dynasty’s founder claimed the appearance of a lucky star to encourage their overthrow of the old regime.


The Southern Yong’s capital, Jinling, was indeed in the east.


Even so, did Southern Yong orchestrate this? Gao Xunzhi wasn’t sure. Could it be that Duke Sun Renluan no longer wanted to support the He family and intended to take the throne himself?

Gao Xunzhi pondered, while Xiao Rong was already studying the patterns on the floor tiles.


Gao Xunzhi was at a loss: “…”


He smiled wryly. “Since you brought this up, you must have a solution. Tell me quickly. This matter cannot be delayed. If the public learns of this nursery rhyme, the King’s reputation will be ruined!” He looked expectantly at Xiao Rong. “Do you know who did this?”


Xiao Rong looked up and blinked. “No.”


Gao Xunzhi: “…”


Xiao Rong took a deep breath to make himself more comfortable, then slowly sighed. “Even if we knew, it wouldn’t matter. The Chiyou Banner did appear, and it indeed appeared in the north. Even if we order the entire army not to spread this rhyme, private thoughts aren’t something that can be censored.”


Gao Xunzhi felt cold inside.


Was heaven against the Northern Border Army rising?


Seeing his desolate expression, Xiao Rong said, “The current situation is tough, but it’s not the end of the road.”


Gao Xunzhi stared at him blankly.


Xiao Rong smiled. “Those with ill intentions can use the Chiyou Banner. Why can’t we? War arises, generals die. Who says the calamity must fall on the Northern Border Army? Why can’t it be the Xianbei Murong clan? The Xianbei have 200,000 troops and a notorious general. If we’re talking about the north, who are more northern than the Xianbei?”


Gao Xunzhi’s face lit up. “Yes, yes, this way, the disaster can be averted?”


Xiao Rong’s mouth turned down. “Not quite.”


Gao Xunzhi: “…Not quite?”


Xiao Rong nodded. “The common people have short memories. Today they believe this, tomorrow they believe that. Unless something earth-shattering happens, these rumors just pass through their ears. Moreover, the people north of the Han River already belong to the King, we don’t need to win them over. The ones we need to win over are under Southern Yong’s rule. Even without the Xianbei, we are still ‘the North’ to them.”


Gao Xunzhi: “…”


He finally understood why Xiao Rong had come to him.


He glanced at Xiao Rong, seeing his confident smile. Gao Xunzhi felt a bit reluctant about the upcoming topic.


Still, no matter his reluctance, if it benefited the Northern Border Army, he had to ask.


Summoning his courage, Gao Xunzhi asked, “Master Xiao, are you suggesting—”


Xiao Rong nodded. “Relocate the capital.


“We should also relocate the capital to a place that’s well-connected and suitable for development. It doesn’t have to be strictly to the east. Relocating the capital serves to break the astrological curse, but more importantly, it’s to attract talent, draw in the populace, and better our influence. I know the King is deeply attached to Yanmen County, but relocating the capital is urgent. If the Chancellor can persuade the King, I promise here and now, within a year, I will bring a thousand genuine scholars to serve the King, and they will not want to leave once they’ve arrived.”


Gao Xunzhi looked at Xiao Rong in shock.


A thousand?


Even the Southern Yong’s court didn’t have that many!


Gao Xunzhi doubted Xiao Rong’s boast, but then again, this man could predict the Xianbei’s cunning moves. Perhaps he really could do it?


Touching his chest, Gao Xunzhi thought of Qu Yunmei’s stubborn temper. He hesitantly said, “I…I will try…”


Xiao Rong grabbed Gao Xunzhi’s hands, looking firmly into his eyes. “It’s not just trying. The Chancellor must give it his all! Chancellor, we are all doing this for the King!”


Seeing the fervor in Xiao Rong’s eyes, Gao Xunzhi was moved. “Yes, for the king!”


Edited by: Antiope


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