Figure Skating: I’m More Suited for the Olympics – Chapter 106 Repeated Discipline

Coach Qiao asked Sun Qian for Zhang Jue’s phone number out of sheer helplessness with his own student.

Holding the phone, he spoke politely and with a hint of pleading to Zhang Jue, who was theoretically his junior: “Yes, ever since he saw the short program scores, it’s like his spirit has deflated. Now he can’t seem to muster any energy. When he’s like this, his free skate is bound to collapse.”

Zhang Jue replied: “Huh?”

No way? As a long-time fan who had watched brother Jin competitions for years, he was hoping Jin Zixuan would take advantage of his good condition this year to bring back a Four Continents medal. Otherwise, with his tendency to choke under pressure, he might never win an A-level competition before retiring.

Thinking about how he had always expected great things from him since his junior days, only for him to choke at every major event, causing waves of disappointed fans to leave, leaving behind a few hopeful yet resigned ones, Zhang Jue felt pretty disheartened.

He smacked his lips and said: “You called me, but I can’t skate his free program at the Four Continents for him now.”

The competitors’ list was already submitted, and the short program was done. According to the competition rules, changing skaters was not possible now.

Besides, Zhang Jue hadn’t even started training again. Maybe it was the impact of his two injuries, but he now had a psychological barrier and instinctively put his weight on his left foot when walking.

He steadied himself on Qin Xuejun’s arm and unobtrusively placed his right foot flat.

Coach Qiao said: “Uh, I’ll hand the phone to him. Could you talk to him?”

Climbing into a brand-new Jinbei, Zhang Jue, full of questions, agreed: “Alright.”

After some static, Jin Zixuan’s voice came through, and his first words were: “Is this the kind of harsh competition environment you’ve always faced?”

Chewing on beef jerky, Zhang Jue responded unclearly: “What harsh environment? Isn’t competing abroad fun? You get to taste foreign food, make friends who send you gifts, and invite you to perform…”

To Zhang Jue, international competitions were exhausting and physically taxing due to the need to perform at a high level against top competitors. But otherwise, they were pretty enjoyable.

His competition gear, acquired through friendships made during competitions, included many items gifted by foreign friends.

Although most of this gear wasn’t particularly useful.

Jin Zixuan laughed bitterly: “Only you can handle competition so effortlessly.”

Zhang Jue thought for a moment and replied honestly: “That’s not true. During my junior days, I was a bit reckless, relying on my talent and not taking competitions seriously because I didn’t think I’d skate forever.”

“This year, I’ve become more passionate about skating, but the competition isn’t as easy as in the juniors, and my physical condition isn’t great. So, I do feel a lot of pressure during competitions.”

“Everyone faces pressure, sometimes, a bit of pressure isn’t a bad thing.”

Jin Zixuan sat on a chair, knees up, listening to Zhang Jue’s rambling.

“Competition form fluctuates. Even I can’t guarantee I’ll perform well every time. Haven’t I messed up before? So I won’t tell you to let go of the pressure. Just do your best; if it doesn’t work out this time, there’s always next time.”

Jin Zixuan replied: “Zhang Jue, even if others don’t say it, we both know that if you weren’t injured and still growing, this Four Continents spot wouldn’t have gone to me.”

“I’m competing with the spot that was meant for you. If I mess up, I’ll feel like I’ve let you down and can’t face you. But I really can’t break through the bias like you do.”

Zhang Jue felt a bit embarrassed. He didn’t expect Jin Zixuan to be the type to burden himself so much.

He replied straightforwardly: “What’s this about letting me down? You’re not my wife.”

Dong Xiaolong and Qin Xuejun both showed subtle expressions, and Zhang Junbao almost smacked the back of his head if he weren’t driving.

This kid really didn’t know how to talk to people!

Jin Zixuan also felt awkward, then Zhang Jue’s next words stunned him.

“Honestly, in China, there are many male single skaters. If you mess up, the leaders can always replace you with someone else. Fan Zhaoying, Shi Mosheng, and Brother Dong are all more stable than you. If you mess up this time, it only affects your future, not mine.”

Four Continents isn’t as restricted as the World Championships or the Winter Olympics. This time, China didn’t fill the quota because of the leaders’ decision, but it’s not like Jin Zixuan is irreplaceable.

“Whenever I compete internationally, I know if I mess up, there are people ready to replace me. Like you’re replacing me now. Besides, you’re not as good as me, so Jin Zixuan, don’t take yourself too seriously. Just skate the way you know. Whether you do well or not is your business.”

Although his tone was still carefree, his words were harshly realistic, making Jin Zixuan shiver.

After hanging up, Zhang Jue smiled sweetly at the rearview mirror, and his uncle rolled his eyes at him.

Dong Xiaolong remained silent for a while and then said: “How Jin Zixuan performs at the Four Continents only affects him, but how he does at the World Championships affects many people.”

For example, leaders eager to meet their goals, and those who set those goals. The World Championships results also determine how many can participate in the Sochi Olympics next year.

Zhang Jue didn’t respond to that but instead asked: “Brother Dong, I’m straightforward, so please don’t be offended.”

Seeing Dong Xiaolong nod, Zhang Jue asked curiously: “You said you feel your physical condition is improving, so you’re planning to keep skating for a few more years, right?”

Dong Xiaolong smiled and nodded: “Yes, I’ve been skating since I was four. It’s been 18 years now. I can’t imagine a life without skating, so I plan to keep going for a few more years.”

Zhang Jue clicked his tongue: “If Jin Zixuan had your attitude, he would’ve made it big by now.”

To Zhang Jue, it was quite disappointing that someone who could land a quadruple jump and had no major weaknesses in performance couldn’t even qualify for an A-level competition.

Leaning against the car seat, he fell into deep thought.

In a week, he’d resume training. He’d have to relearn his jumping and spinning centers of gravity and get used to new skates again.

With only a month and a half left until the World Championships, his height would continue to increase. What should he do?

Despite appearing resigned about giving up the Four Continents opportunity, Zhang Jue wasn’t truly content. He just had no way to stop it.

As an athlete, who doesn’t have some pride? If he could still skate, who would willingly let someone else take their place?

In the vehicle’s swaying, Zhang Jue closed his eyes, gradually resting his head on Qin Xuejun’s arm and breathing evenly.

Zhang Junbao sighed: “This kid’s habit of sleeping in the car is incurable.”

The next day, Jin Zixuan managed to regain some points in the technical segment but only secured a bronze medal at the Four Continents due to his weaker performance score. However, for a previously unknown young skater, this was a remarkable debut.

Huang Ying and Guan Lin overcame their developmental hurdles, securing gold medals at 15 and 18 years old respectively, quelling any thoughts from the leaders about splitting them up.

The award ceremony began, and Zhang Jue turned off the TV. Xu Dela, understanding his brother well, cautiously called out: “Brother?”

Zhang Jue turned around and gave him a smile: “It’s fine.”

He opened a new test paper, saying: “I’ll grade your completed papers, and if you finish this one, I’ll cover for you with Mom so you can go practice singing with Hongmao.”

Xu Dela looked distressed.

“Brother, he’s not called Hongmao. His name is Jiang Xuewen, and he’s our lead singer and captain.”

Zhang Jue pulled out a red pen, marking his brother’s paper with checks and crosses, replying simply: “Can’t remember.”

A week later, Zhang Jue, dressed in new sportswear and shoes, carrying new skates, walked into the arena. Liu Yeming, who had also returned to training after the Spring Festival, looked at him and slowly asked: “Who are you, handsome?”

Zhang Jue responded with deadpan eyes: “Your grandpa.”

Liu Yeming threw a piece of chocolate at him: “Screw you, Zhang Jue. Is your injury healed?”

“It’s healed, it’s healed. After all this time, how could it not be?”

Before getting on the ice, they had to do land training as a warm-up. Zhang Jue trained for a while, and no one else came to the rink.

After completing a double Axel on land, Liu Yeming said to Zhang Jue: “Zheng Jialong is taking the college entrance exams. His mom wants him to quit the team and focus on studying for the exams. If he doesn’t do well this time, they might even make him repeat a year.”

Zhang Jue nodded: “Understandable.”

As an athlete, if you can’t excel in your sport, then if your family’s financial situation allows, studying hard and getting into a good university is the way out.

Zheng Jialong’s brother was someone Zhang Jue had heard of, who received a national competition opportunity after a closed selection process within the team. Last year, he placed fourth in the National Championships, made it to the national team, and was admitted to Zhang Jue’s uncle’s alma mater, Beijing Sport University, where he now specializes in relay races and has a chance to compete internationally.

“Ma Xiaobin fractured a bone last year, didn’t he? Since that injury, he hasn’t been able to regain many of his techniques. So, after the National Championships, he retired too.”

Zhang Jue pressed the stop button on the treadmill and stood there catching his breath.

In competitive sports, the further you go, the fewer old friends you’ll have around, while more new opponents will appear. At the same time, countless setbacks will come wave after wave. This is the reality.

Zhang Jue looked at his hands, thinking, After resting for so long, my stamina seems to have declined.

He asked Liu Yeming: “Are you practicing the triple Axel?”

Liu Yeming stopped and asked with a smile: “You can tell?”

Zhang Jue was silent for a moment, then said: “Actually, your leg strength is very strong, so when you take off, you don’t necessarily need to swing both arms back like I do. I do that to use the momentum to propel my body forward. You could try relying purely on your leg strength for the takeoff.”

In his memory, there were different techniques for the triple Axel. For instance, North American figure skaters often scrape the ice with their blades during the takeoff phase, which is the lowest level of technique, having a low success rate and a hint of premature rotation.

In Russia, about two years later, the father of Russian singles skating, Boris, trained a female skater who jumped the triple Axel purely with leg strength, barely moving her arms during the takeoff.

It’s worth mentioning that after this female skater landed the triple Axel, Chagatai Bukhara also used the same technique to complete the triple Axel.

Zhang Jue changed into his skates and stepped onto the ice.

Then he took a hard fall.


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