Fierce “Husband” – Chapter 233

On the third floor of a women’s club in the capital, the windows facing the street were all open. A sweet-looking young girl sat by the window, her eyes eagerly fixed on the direction of the city gate. Everyone in the building across the street noticed her, countless gazes fell upon her, but she seemed oblivious, staring unwaveringly towards the city gate.

“Princess, every day you wait here for Assistant Minister Jiang to return. I wonder when Assistant Minister Jiang will come back.”

“It’s been seven or eight months since Assistant Minister Jiang went to sea. I hope nothing has happened to him.”

“Don’t speak nonsense! Be careful what you say!”

“I wonder what Assistant Minister Jiang is thinking. Why must he go to sea? We’re not a major nation like Dasi.”

Whispers like these constantly reached the ears from the building opposite, but even if the young girl heard them, she paid no attention, continuing to gaze in the direction of the city gate, waiting for her elder brother Moxi to return safely.

The young girl was none other than Wang Jingyan, the daughter of Loyal and Brave Duke, also known as Princess Yilan. However, few called her Nizi anymore, after all, she had grown up. This women’s club, named “Linglong Pavilion,” was established by Wang Jingyan. Originally intended for tea, chatting, reading, and painting with her sisters, it had unexpectedly become a place coveted by the noblewomen of the capital.

Entry into the “Linglong Pavilion” required a “Linglong Card,” personally designed by Wang Jingyan and crafted by her fiance, Assistant Minister of Works Jiang Moxi. This card was made of glass, embedded with a thin crystal. When placed on a special prop in Linglong Academy, the crystal would display the cardholder’s name.

When these cards first appeared, they caused quite a stir. One card was rumored to have been traded for ten thousand taels of silver. However, those who possessed such cards were close friends of Wang Jingyan and would never foolishly sell them. Initially, Wang Jingyan felt somewhat constrained by constant gatherings at home with friends, not because she felt restricted but because her friends might feel so. Later, with the consent of her foster father Shao Yunan, she bought a shop under her name, renovated it, and turned it into a private club for gatherings with friends. As for these cards, they were initially just a passing remark from her, but Jiang Moxi took it seriously.

Wang Jingyan particularly liked the first card made. She didn’t intend for this club to be profitable, so she asked Moxi to make a few more cards to give to her friends. Afterward, her friends could use these cards to gather at Linglong Pavilion.

It wasn’t that Wang Jingyan had lofty ambitions, she only associated with noblewomen. Given her current status, those who could accompany her naturally had to be women of high status. However, although this was a women’s club, men could also enter, but only those of higher status, and there were only a few of them, without needing a card to enter.

Nowadays, Wang Jingyan had long shed the image of the pitiful little girl who had been mistreated by her grandmother and aunt in the past. She had not forgotten her past hardships, but they were just that—memories. Now, she was a happy girl cherished by her father and foster father, loved by her elder and younger brothers, and cradled in the hands of her fiance.


The young girl snapped out of her thoughts and turned her head. “Yi Yi, why are you here?”

Wang Xingyi sat opposite his sister and, like his usual self, sprawled lazily on the ground. When he was two years old, Wang Xingyi gained a nickname—”Yi Yi”—given by his foster father Shao Yunan. A female attendant came over and set up the tea set in front of Wang Xingyi, which he was used to, and the tea leaves were also his favorite black tea.

Wang Xingyi finally answered his sister’s question: “Dad is going to see someone, and I got impatient following him, so I knew my sister was here, and I came over to accompany you for tea.”

Wang Jingyan smiled and reached out to touch her brother’s head, asking: “Are you hungry?”

“I want popcorn and ice cream.”

Wang Jingyan immediately ordered the servant to bring popcorn and ice cream. It was hot, perfect for eating something cold.

At this moment, a female attendant came up and said: “Princess, Miss Zhang and Miss Xu from the Zhang family have arrived.”

Wang Jingyan said: “I’m having tea with Yi YI today. Let them entertain themselves, I won’t accompany them today.”

The maid went downstairs. The third floor was Wang Jingyan’s private territory, and unless invited, ordinary people wouldn’t come up directly, except for family members. Wang Jingyan’s friends knew her habits, so they just sent someone to ask.

The popcorn and ice cream were soon brought up. Wang Xingyi spoke: “Go wash your hands before eating.”

“Okay.” Wang Xingyi obediently went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

When he came back and sat down, Wang Jingyan took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands carefully. “You never dry your hands properly after washing.”

“That’s because you’re here, sis.”

As the youngest child in the family with a significant age gap from his siblings, Wang Xingyi had never been deferential to his older siblings. After wiping his younger brother’s hands, Wang Jingyan put the handkerchief aside and asked: “Are you coming home today? Or are you going to meet the Crown Prince later?”

Wang Xingyi, busy eating ice cream, casually replied: “Dad said he’ll come find me later. He hasn’t decided whether to come home yet.” Then he looked up: “Sis, Big Brother should be coming back soon.”

Wang Jingyan’s expression turned melancholic, but she quickly smiled to reassure him: “Sister knows he’s coming back soon. I’ll wait for him here.” Wang Xingyi also knew there was no use persuading her; the whole family couldn’t persuade her, so he lowered his head and ate seriously.

After Wang Xingyi finished his ice cream and two servings of popcorn, a young man escorted by servants entered Linglong Pavilion. Everyone inside, from the attendants to the young girls gathered there, immediately bowed upon seeing him. The young man just nodded lightly and went straight upstairs.

“Yi Yi. Jingyan.”

Wang Xingyi looked up, and Wang Jingyan turned her head and stood up. Wang Xingyi remained seated.

“Crown Prince.”

Wang Jingyan called out affectionately, and the Crown Prince Murong Yuan walked over to sit beside Wang Xingyi, casually picking up the teacup in front of him and drinking the tea inside. Then he delivered some good news to Wang Jingyan: “Jingyan, Assistant Minister Jiang has returned.”

Wang Jingyan, who had just sat down, stood up suddenly, her face instantly flushing red. If one looked closely, they would see her hands trembling.

“Really? Is Moxi back? Elder Brother is back? Why didn’t I know?” Shouldn’t she be the first one to know when Elder Brother returns?

Wang Xingyi looked shocked: “My elder brother is back? How did I not know? Sister didn’t know either.” Shouldn’t Sister be the first one to know when big brother returns?

Murong Yuan patted Wang Xingyi’s head, a gesture so familiar that it couldn’t be more familiar. He said: “Assistant Minister Jiang’s family letter should arrive soon, and I’ll naturally be faster. He should arrive in the capital within four days at the latest.”

“Thank you, Your Highness!”

Wang Jingyan turned and ran downstairs, the sound of her footsteps echoing through Linglong Pavilion, striking a chord in everyone’s heart. Wang Xingyi looked dumbfounded, then belatedly leaned out of the window to see his sister running in the direction of home, hurriedly shouting: “Sis, take the carriage back! Don’t run!”

Mid-run, Wang Jingyan suddenly stopped, as if realizing what a foolish thing she had done. The servants chasing after her quickly brought a carriage to escort her home. Wang Xingyi withdrew his head and grinned at Murong Yuan: “Haha, that’s great. Big brother is coming back, sister finally doesn’t have to wait in a widow anymore, dad, and uncle, and second brother can all eat well and sleep peacefully.”

Murong Yuan patted his head: “You feel relieved now too, right?”

Wang Xingyi nodded vigorously: “Yeah yeah, I’m relieved too. But I always believed my big brother would come back safely. He’s also going to take us out to sea.”
Murong Yuan’s gentle smile froze for a moment, but Wang Xingyi, who was usually dense, didn’t notice. Murong Yuan casually asked: “You still want to go to sea?”

“Of course! How can I miss such a cool thing?”

A hint of cloudiness passed over Murong Yuan’s eyes: “And what about me when you’re at sea? Are you willing to let me worry day and night, unable to eat or sleep?”

“Uh…” Wang Xingyi chuckled awkwardly, then said carelessly: “You can’t leave, otherwise you can go out to sea with us!” Murong Yuan’s smile faded, and Wang Xingyi hurriedly added: “When I’m not around, you can let Bao Bao accompany you.”

“Do you think the emperor will let me go?”

“Uh… then you still have Ah Fan.”

“He’s only eight.”

“Uh…” Wang Xingyi sighed and shrugged: “Then there’s no way. It’s because you’re the Crown Prince.”

Seeing him like this, Murong Yuan knew Wang Xingyi was being evasive. He smiled gently again: “Alright, since you’re determined to go, then go. But before you go to sea, spend more time with me.”


“Let’s go.”


“To your house.”

Wang Xingyi and Murong Yuan left the Linglong Pavilion together, Big Gold yawned, got up, and lazily followed.

Now both Murong Yuan and Wang Xingyi were only eleven-year-old boys. Wang Xingyi was still relatively carefree, while Murong Yuan had been on the path of a qualified Crown Prince for many years. Although Murong Yuan and Wang Xingyi were only a month apart in age, in terms of generation, Murong Yuan was Wang Xingyi’s uncle. Wang Jingyan and Wang Qing both had to call Murong Yuan “Your Highness” to avoid awkwardness. Murong Yuan addressed Wang Qing and Wang Jingyan by name, which was more appropriate both in terms of status and etiquette. As Murong Yuan grew older, their way of addressing each other became more habitual. However, Wang Xingyi never had any trouble with forms of address, since he was sensible, he simply called the Crown Prince “Ah Yuan.”

In the thirteenth year of Yongming Emperor, under Jiang Moxi’s leadership, the construction of the far-reaching ships was completed. After the successful trials of eight large far-reaching ships, they began their mission. Their first voyage was under Jiang Moxi’s command, heading to Dasi Kingdom, and then further south to the place where patterned iron was produced. If possible, Jiang Moxi planned to continue southward.

Jiang Moxi always remembered to take his family to sea. This expedition, lasting eight months, was an initial preparation for taking his family smoothly to sea. Despite Wang Jingyan’s and Shao Yunan’s attempts to dissuade him from worrying about going to sea, Jiang Moxi had made up his mind, and not even Wang Jingyan could persuade him otherwise. Amidst his family’s concerns and anxieties, Jiang Moxi set sail. Since then, Wang Jingyan had been eagerly awaiting news of his return at the Linglong Pavilion because the street outside the Linglong Pavilion was a must-pass route into the capital.

Jiang Moxi was about to return, and this news quickly spread from the palace. The loyal servants and soldiers of the Loyal and Brave Mansion, who were the first to receive the news, all showed relieved smiles that had been absent for months. Wang Shijing immediately wrote to Wang Qing asking him to return to the capital and notified Jiang Kangchen and Jiang Kangning. Wang Qing was in the midst of his scholarly pursuits and travels. He had left the capital after Jiang Moxi set sail and was vacationing at a winery in the suburbs. Upon receiving the news, King Luo Rong and King main wife Guo Zimu quickly packed their bags and returned to the capital.

In the King Luo Rong Mansion, Murong Baobao sat on his elder brother Murong Shizi’s lap, blinking his beautiful eyes that resembled their father’s.

“Brother, don’t be angry. I won’t play with Luo Zian anymore.”

Brother Murong cold and oppressive aura filled the room. Before him, four guards and two maids knelt tremblingly.

But Murong Baobao wasn’t afraid of his brother’s demeanor at all. He wasn’t pleased either. Brother Murong glanced at the kneeling figures, picked up Murong Baobao and stood up, walking out. He feared that if he stayed any longer, he would not be able to resist personally punishing those who had failed to protect adequately. The now thin Young Master Murong was a completely changed man, secure in his position and wielding great power. With a stomp of his foot, even the capital trembled.

“Brother, don’t be angry. It will hurt here.”

Murong Baobao rubbed his brother’s chest and blew on it. With this blow, Brother Murong’s complexion improved slightly, but only a little.

“Did it scare you?” Brother Murong asked.

“…No. Just annoyed. I won’t play with Luo Zian anymore!” Murong Baobao frowned.

Brother Murong pulled away his hand. Just then, someone hurried over and said with bowed head: “Your Highness, Assistant Minister Jiang is returning to the capital soon.”

Young master Murong was shocked. “Is the news confirmed?”

“It’s from the palace.”

Young Master Murong immediately thought that his father and uncle must have received this news and would return immediately. He immediately ordered people to prepare the Wang Mansion to welcome them back. After Brother Murong made arrangements, Murong Baobao asked: “Brother, Father and Uncle are coming back?”

“Yes. They’re coming back. Jiang Moxi is coming back.”

“Ah, that’s great! Kongkong said Jiang Moxi will bring back many good things.”

“Would you like to go to Loyal and Brave Duke Mansion with me, brother?”

“I want to. I’ll find Kongkong to play with.”

“Kongkong might not be at the mansion.”

“If he’s not there, I’ll find Tuger to play with.”

Murong Baobao, no longer angry about being kissed by his trusted companion, had already thought about how to teach the Luo family a lesson. While Young master Murong thought – Could his little brother be kissed by anyone he pleased?!

It wasn’t surprising that Brother Murong was so tense now. Murong Baobao father was Guo Zimu, who had a strikingly handsome face. Unfortunately for Murong Baobao, he resembled his birth father. King Luo Rong and Guo Zimu were as loving as conjoined twins. After Brother Murong firmly established himself in the court, King Luo Rong retired completely and rarely attended court sessions. Murong Baobao was practically raised by Young Master Murong alone, and with such a face, it was natural for his brother Murong to be nervous.

At Loyal and Brave Mansion, Wang Xingyi was there, and Murong Baobao was ecstatic. Wang Xingyi often accompanied the Crown Prince in the Eastern Palace, so Wang Jingyan, the young mistress of Loyal and Brave Mansion, was usually there. Today, both Wang Xingyi and Wang Jingyan were at home, and the Crown Prince had also come, making Loyal and Brave Mansion much livelier with one more Murong Baobao.

This time, Jiang Moxi brought back a large amount of overseas goods, so the Crown Prince had to return to the palace today. After dinner at Loyal and Brave Mansion, the Crown Prince took Wang Xingyi away. Because Murong Baobao had been playing too vigorously with Big Gold, he fell asleep before dinner. Brother Murong took him back to King Mansion first.

With their son safely returned, Jiang Kangchen and Wu Jian finally felt relieved. The two of them had long been living together and privately held a remarriage ceremony in front of relatives and friends. Publicly, they maintained the master-servant relationship. After having dinner with Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan, Jiang Kangchen and Wu Jian also returned home. Although their son stayed at the mansion for a short time, his room had to be tidied up early.

Jiang Kangning, who had returned to Loyal and Brave Mansion for dinner, put his sleeping son on the bed and then returned to the room with his wife. Jiang Kangning now had one son and two daughters. After marrying into the family, Rong Yao’s daughter changed her surname to Jiang. Jiang Kangning and Rong Yao were now a loving couple. Rong Yao, who used to be ridiculed in the capital for not being able to control her husband’s women, was now the target of jealousy beyond measure.

After washing up and going to bed, Jiang Kangning breathed a sigh of relief: “If Jiang Moxi didn’t come back, Jingyan would have been worn out.”

Rong Yao asked: “If Jiang Moxi comes back, shouldn’t his marriage with the county princess be arranged? The county princess is already seventeen.”

Jiang Kangning replied: “It should be arranged soon. If Jiang Moxi hadn’t gone to sea, it would have been arranged this year. Jiang Moxi couldn’t wait any longer. When the date is set, Big Brother’s wife will help with the arrangements.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure the county princess enters the door grandly.”

Jiang Kangning lay down. “Let’s sleep.”

In the Eastern Palace, Wang Xingyi, who had finished bathing, yawned and climbed into bed with sleepy eyes. Someone hugged him from behind. He turned his head.


“Don’t sleep yet. I want to go in.”

“Oh.” Wang Xingyi grabbed the hand around his waist, and in an instant, the two disappeared from the spot. Big Gold got up and walked to the door, lying down.

After about half an hour, the two reappeared in place. Wang Xingyi, who couldn’t keep his eyes open, climbed into bed and fell asleep instantly. The Crown Prince stood by the bed, looking at the person who had fallen asleep, seriously considering how to prevent someone from going to sea. On the bed, the Crown Prince leaned close to someone who was already asleep, whispering softly in his ear: “Yi Yi, when our son succeeds to the throne, I will accompany you to sea. You can’t bear to leave me and I can’t bear to stay alone in an empty room.”

“If you don’t object, you agree.”

“I knew you would agree.”

He gently kissed someone’s face, and the Crown Prince slipped into bed, holding someone close.

In the bedroom of Loyal and Brave Duke Mansion, Shao Yunan was too excited about Jiang Moxi’s imminent return to sleep. He lay on Wang Shijing’s chest and said: “Before Jiang Moxi left, he said he would marry Nizi when he came back. When Jiang Moxi comes back, let’s pick a date.”

“I will listen to you.”

Thinking of something else, Shao Yunan was a bit worried. “Shijing, the Crown Prince and Yi Yi are so close. Do you think the Crown Prince has discovered Yi Yi space? I asked Yi Yi, and he said no. But I don’t believe he can hide it from the Crown Prince. They are almost inseparable, and the Crown Prince is not stupid.”

Wang Shijing said: “I asked him too, and he said no. He shouldn’t be lying about this. Even if the Crown Prince knows, it’s okay. They are like brothers who wear the same pants. Nothing will happen.”

“The Crown Prince has grown up under our eyes, but he is the Crown Prince, the future emperor. The Emperor has been so good to you and me. I dare not let him know about my space, our spiritual milk, and immortal fruit. I don’t think the Crown Prince would harm Yi Yi, but we must be cautious.”

“Don’t worry, even if there is danger, I am confident in protecting Yi Yi. Don’t forget, we still have Moxi.”

“Yeah, we still have Moxi. Ah, Moxi is coming back. I really miss him. He must have lost weight.”

“When he comes back, take good care of him.”

The two husbands talked about children, about going to sea, and about the Crown Prince. At the pier, Jiang Moxi got off the ship and got on the carriage that came to pick him up. Despite his expressionless face, he was awe-inspiring. The youngest Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Works, the mysterious master of the Private Affairs Court—many people only saw him as a senior technical expert, but people did not know Jiang Moxi’s true strength. Jiang Moxi had his own cards to protect his family.

As the carriage drove, a black shadow jumped onto the carriage and slipped inside. Jiang Moxi just lifted his eyelids without moving.

“Master, the news has been transmitted back to the capital. The county princess waits for the master’s return in the Linglong Pavilion every day in the capital…”

Jiang Moxi quietly listened as the person reported everything he needed to know during his absence from the capital, especially regarding Princess Yilan. After the person finished speaking, Jiang Moxi just lightly responded with a “Hmm,” and the next moment, there was no one in the carriage.
Nizi… Jiang Moxi closed his eyes… I’m back.


Wang Jingyan woke up from her sleep, panting heavily with her hand over her heart, brother Moxi…

For the first time, Jiang Moxi went to sea and exchanged tea, silk, porcelain, glass, mirrors, pearls, milk wine, and wine for foregin gold, silver, jewels, exotic specialties, and mining rights of two patterned iron mines. Emperor Yongming was greatly pleased and generously rewarded him. In March of the following year, Jiang Moxi married Princess Yilan, and the grandeur of the wedding surpassed even King Luo Rong’s wedding, with envoys from various countries entering the capital to congratulate Loyal and Brave Duke’s daughter’s marriage.

In the fifteenth year of Yongming, Loyal and Brave Duke Wang Shijing, Wang Shao’s rightful wife Shao Yunan, Wang Qing, Wang Jingyan, Jiang Moxi, and Wang Xingyi went to sea. Emperor Yongming permitted Crown Prince Murong Yuan to leave first. Murong Yuan did not leave Wang Xingyi in the capital but went with him. A year later, the fleet returned to the capital, and in the same month, Emperor Yongming decreed that Ruian County Prince Wang Xingyi be officially married to the Crown Prince.

In the twentieth year of Yongming, Jiang Moxi resigned from office and set sail again with his wife Wang Jingyan. This time, there were sixteen large long-distance sailing ships, with Loyal and Brave Duke’s husband and wife also on board. When the ship set sail, the two people who should not have been on the ship stepped onto the deck, shocking Loyal and Brave Duke’s husband and wife.

By the decree of the Emperor, it was proclaimed: “Due to serious illness, I need to rest quietly. I appoint the Crown Prince as regent, by decree.”

Watching this simple decree, the veins on the Crown Prince’s forehead throbbed. The second prince, Fuxiang, was so frightened that he hid behind his sister. In the Eastern Palace, Wang Xingyi, who was similarly abandoned, was still sleeping lazily. He couldn’t handle the affairs of the country, wasn’t interested in the inner palace, and after waking up, he went to the space to pick fruits, take a bubble bath, and watched as the spirit milk collected a few drops—this was his task.

Muttering a few words, Wang Xingyi scratched his collarbone. The bright red mole between his collarbones looked delicately charming. In the space, near the clear water pool of the spirit milk, the relic of the Buddha’s bone faintly shimmered.



Edited by: Jaisland



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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Qinlan

    It’s already finished??!
    I need a sequel..(welp.. maybe not..)😆😆😆😋😋
    But still… the end is like half story.. 😅🤔🤔🤔
    The author need to finish quickly..😅😅😅

  2. Pempem

    Thank you for the story. It was a wonderful and unforgettable journey. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into it. So sad to see the end of this story. Hoping and wishing for side stories🤭. Thanks again❤️❤️.

  3. Toni Lynn

    A wonderful story. Thank you for your hard work

  4. joanoo2024

    What do you mean by Shao Yunan’s son marrying the Crown Prince? He’s literally his uncle. What the hell is with this novel? First, an underage boy marrying a 50 year old man, then Jiang Moxi and his ignoring of his family and real parents as if he was the son of Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing, and now Xing Yi with his uncle, and on top of that there is the possibility of Murong’s marriage. With Bao Bao, which will repeat the story in the marriage of an elder to a minor, given that Murong was very old before Bao Bao was even born. I was hoping for a better ending than this. There are many taboos in this novel that cannot be accepted, most of which is the marriage of the Crown Prince. Anyway, I’m still glad I finished but this was a little disappointing..

    1. Lajna

      I didn’t read till the end of novel when i first started translating so i didn’t notice some problems… As for what you wrote Empress in kind of Shao Yunan uncle, but its more like they have the same great-grandfather Dai, still related but less creepy. Zimu is 19 when novel started so he was around 20/ 21 when he decided to marry King Luo Rong judging by tea seasons change. As for Bao Bao he is Murong half-brother so i don’t think author would go that far.

  5. Amethist67

    thanks for translating~ 😊

    i really loved the start of the novel and even though i have alot of gripes i admire the depth to this. it was entertaining at least, but for me it focused on the wrong characters i didn’t like half of them 😂 and the ancient ways were diabolical as a modern person i cant get over.

    it their was no equality progresion either for women or male wives its especially triggering for me with today political climate.

    ,i wish we go to see more of the effect of a good economy 1 paragraph wouldve done it for me 😂. and thier was so many characters that didnt have a ending authur mustve forgot them or writing it all would become tedious🤔.

    its funny how moxi became the main character because yunan had his choices taken away by everyone else…. i knew yiyi would also have space powers its probably gonna pass down for generations wouldve liked to seen more on that.

  6. Lua Xanh

    Thank you for the hard work and finishing the main story. Its a shame the publisher website had been hacked so people can’t buy the extra chapters T^T
    But this was one of a few novels I liked from the author.

  7. snow

    I loved this novel very much. I finished it in 2.5 days without stopping and I still want to read more 😭😭

  8. Son

    Thanks for translating (though I must admit it got confusing at times). This novel started out pretty strong, and I was eager at first to see where it was going. Then, it started to devolve. When? Probably at different stages. I know I started to get really annoyed at the multiple payouts to Shijing’s family, and how they kept coming back like roaches.
    At some point I felt like everything began to unravel. I think the biggest turning point was the introduction of the tigers. It didn’t turn the story too mystical, thankfully, but it still shifted the tone significantly, and not really in a way that I liked. Their rewards were somewhat exciting, but that didn’t last that long. And of course there’s Moxi’s development. Ugh. And I know that with pre-modern nobility/upper class parent-child affection wasn’t guaranteed or often even deep but clearly Kangchen loved his kid! Deeply! So because he had a career he shouldn’t be able to raise his child?? Properly interact with him on a semi-regular basis? The answer: give the child his own career(s). Amazing. /s
    While the main cp wasn’t ignored per say, I agree with the other commentor that the attention some characters received wasn’t doing it for me. The execution just wasn’t giving.
    This story also fell into the all too common mire of telling not showing. And on top of it one of my least liked tropes: early retirement/throwing the work to the next generation. Wonderful reason for having kids. /s
    Finally, the crown prince/yiyi cp. I saw it coming, but thought it unlikely? I’m honestly still so confused about incest rules in China. Like they’re not supposed to be Euro nobility levels (iirc Qing royalty was different though they don’t really count half the time) Same clan name is usually a no-no. But it’s different for maternal line relations?? Or no? Previously people were disgusted at the idea of Old Lady Zhu going after her “distant uncle”, but this is literally that, but through matrilineality. So that means it doesn’t matter?? Hmm.
    Anyway— despite everything it was kinda fun seeing them introduce modern stuff. Except gunpowder. I don’t wanna see the introduction of a new devastating form of warfare I wanted to see the rising popularity of women’s pants!! 😫 And how the hell did they get past lactose intolerance? Needed to see more Yunlong House ventures.

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