Wolf Cub – Chapter 58

Over the weekend, Lin Shiyu took his sister to a small special sports event at her school, which lasted until the late afternoon. He kept thinking about visiting Gao Jie, so after taking his sister home, he hurried out again.

Just as he reached the entrance of the neighborhood, he bumped into Zhong Qi, who was out buying something.

They lived in neighboring communities, so it was common for them to run into each other. Zhong Qi knew that he was going to visit Gao Jie, so he abandoned his plan to buy things and just followed him. Lin Shiyu thought he was being too casual and said, “I can go by myself.”

Zhong Qi quietly walked beside him without any intention of turning back, simply saying, “Let’s go together.”

The light rail swiftly passed through the city, and the train was a bit crowded in the evening. Lin Shiyu and Zhong Qi stood by the door, with the setting sun casting shadows that slid over their bodies.

Lin Shiyu watched the rapidly receding buildings and roads outside the window for a while, with the clouds glowing gold and red, and the sky looking splendid and tranquil.

He shifted his gaze to Zhong Qi’s face. The straight nose and thin lips created a cold facial outline, giving him a naturally distant and unapproachable aura when he wasn’t smiling.

Lin Shiyu found it hard to understand why someone like that would stay by his side from the time they met until now. Just a few days ago, he thought it was because Zhong Qi found it an amusing game to pass time by getting close to him. Yet, after venting his anger and saying harsh words, Lin Shiyu didn’t know if Zhong Qi was still playing a game or had other reasons.

Noticing Lin Shiyu’s gaze, Zhong Qi asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lin Shiyu grabbed the handrail and stood silently for a while before suddenly asking, “What do you take me for?”

Zhong Qi paused. The people around them turned their heads, looking at them with curiosity, possibly thinking they were filming a drama with hidden cameras.

Lin Shiyu, however, didn’t realize there was anything wrong with his question and looked at Zhong Qi seriously. “Answer me.”

Zhong Qi tried to keep his expression calm. “Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”

Lin Shiyu said unhappily, “I don’t want to be played for a fool.”

The curious looks from others had turned into strange stares.

Zhong Qi coughed and had to turn his body to shield Lin Shiyu, moving his arm behind Lin Shiyu’s head to enclose him within his arm’s range. Ensuring they were mostly out of sight, he lowered his head and asked with amusement, “Have you been watching strange dramas lately?”

Lin Shiyu felt he was changing the subject. “I’m serious!”

“Alright, I understand.” Zhong Qi quickly reassured him, answering his question. “I didn’t take you for a fool.”

“But you’re obviously guarded against me.”

He was still hung up on that previous incident. Zhong Qi felt a rare headache coming on. “Didn’t I already apologize?” For him, it was a very sincere apology.

Lin Shiyu let out a distrustful humph, turning his eyes away. “Who knows what you’re really thinking.”

Zhong Qi was momentarily stunned, seeing Lin Shiyu’s indifferent and unhappy expression, stubbornly avoiding eye contact.

The light rail roared along the tracks, the sunset sweeping over Lin Shiyu’s lowered eyelashes, the light slipping into his pale amber eyes, staining them with a gentle, sweet evening hue.

He looked like a dispirited little wolf cub, making vague grumbling sounds, unsure if he was complaining or sulking.

Zhong Qi’s palms began to sweat. His expression remained calm, but his mind raced, thinking about how to appropriately pick up and soothe the unhappy little wolf cub in front of him.

He skipped over the step of questioning why he cared so much about Lin Shiyu and naturally moved to thinking about how to make him feel better. Staring at Lin Shiyu for a moment, he lifted his hand to turn Lin Shiyu’s chin to face him.

“I don’t have so much free time to teach someone’s sister to play the guitar, wait for him every day to go home together, accompany him to the hospital, take care of him when he’s sick, and help him write self-reflections after getting the cold shoulder,” Zhong Qi listed one by one, looking at Lin Shiyu. “Do you think I did all that just to fool you?”

Zhong Qi wanted to continue, but he noticed Lin Shiyu’s expression and stopped.

Because Lin Shiyu was blushing.

“Brother Shiyu! You finally came to see me, come sit.” Gao Jie’s eyes lit up when he saw Lin Shiyu and Zhong Qi, patting his hospital bed. “I’m so bored. I can’t even play with my phone, and I have no one to talk to.”

Lin Shiyu sat down. “How are your eyes?”

“Better now. I can go home and recover next week.”

Lin Shiyu nodded, casually picking up an apple from the bedside table and starting to peel it.

Gao Jie: “?”

Zhong Qi arrived a step later, and saw Lin Shiyu suddenly get flustered. The blade slipped and nearly cut his finger.

Zhong Qi quickly reached out to take the knife and apple in Lin Shiyu’s hand to continue peeling. “You can’t even peel an apple.”

Lin Shiyu said, a bit annoyed. “Don’t suddenly walk up to me.”

Gao Jie: “??”

After the two left, Gao Jie bit into the peeled apple with a confused expression, finding it not very sweet.

“Little Shiyu, come eat.” Lin Hui called out to Lin Shiyu when he got home.

Lin Shiyu put down his backpack and sat at the table. He and Lin Wanyue sat side by side with big bowls, while Lin Hui served them food. Lin Shiyu was a bit distracted, thinking about what Zhong Qi had said to him.

No one had ever spoken to him like that before, and no one had ever gotten so close to him, as if they were just a step away from his innermost thoughts. Lin Shiyu instinctively felt nervous and wanted to resist, but he was uncertain and confused, with an urge to retreat.

Lin Shiyu’s head ached from his thoughts. When he came back to his senses, he realized that today’s meal was quite lavish, filling the entire table.

Lin Hui brought rare good news for their family: she had changed jobs. Previously, Lin Hui worked at a shopping mall, earning a meager salary, working long hours from morning till night, and sometimes even having to work overtime. Recently, a collaborating boss at the mall opened a new clothing store on the pedestrian street. Surprisingly, this boss approached Lin Hui and asked if she would be willing to work at the new store. The job also had shifts, but the day shift ended earlier than at the mall, and the salary was higher. Moreover, the pedestrian street where the new store was located had much more foot traffic than the current mall.

At first, Lin Hui couldn’t quite believe it. This boss was a prominent figure at the mall, reputed to have several branches. They had only had a few brief interactions, with Lin Hui’s workplace next to his store. She couldn’t understand why this boss had taken an interest in her, a small shop assistant, and even made an effort to recruit her.

However, after talking to the boss a few times, Lin Hui decided to switch jobs. Now she enthusiastically shared this news with her son.

Lin Shiyu was very distrustful of unfamiliar middle-aged men and frowned, asking, “Why did he choose you out of everyone else?”

Lin Hui understood her son’s caution and patiently explained, “He said he found me honest, hardworking, and also heard that I was raising two children on my own. He said my current salary was too low and suggested I work for him instead.”

Lin Shiyu asked a few more questions to confirm that the boss was genuine and indeed owned several successful clothing stores in the area. After that, he didn’t ask further.

Switching jobs was no big deal as long as the boss wasn’t up to anything strange. His mom was too soft-hearted and empathetic, enduring years of hardship with the naive hope of changing his dad. The result of her patience and concessions was that they had endured all the harm, and the family was torn apart, irreparably damaged.

“In the future, I’ll try to apply for more day shifts, so you won’t have to pick up little Yue from school and cook dinner for us,” Lin Hui said gently. “You’re going to be a junior soon, and you can’t afford to fall behind in your studies.”

Lin Shiyu nodded and mumbled a response.

His mom undoubtedly wanted him to go to college and was working hard to save money for it. Lin Shiyu suddenly felt a bit ashamed, thinking that his previous ideas were somewhat aimless. Here he was, studying in a proper high school, yet his thoughts were still as shallow as when he was in middle school.

For some reason, Lin Shiyu thought of Zhong Qi.

Zhong Qi would definitely get into a good university. He studied so effortlessly, who knew how well he would do if he really tried? He might not stay in Wuhan, maybe he would go to a good university in Beijing or Shanghai. In any case, Zhong Qi would attend a university that Lin Shiyu couldn’t get into.

Lin Shiyu inexplicably began to wonder if there were universities in Beijing or Shanghai that he could get into with his grades.

His thoughts wandered for a few seconds before he quickly snapped out of it, shaking off the sudden diversion.

As usual after school, the classroom was empty, bathed in the deep red glow of the setting sun. Zhong Qi and Mao Silu had gone to the sports field to play basketball, telling Lin Shiyu to wait for them so they could go home together. Lin Shiyu didn’t agree verbally, and Zhong Qi didn’t seem to mind, heading downstairs with Mao Silu.

The sounds of running and shouting came from the sports field. Lin Shiyu sat at his desk doing homework, occasionally glancing out the window and seeing familiar figures on the basketball court. This group of people played basketball boisterously, with the losing team having to endure piggyback rides from everyone else, whether they liked it or not.

Watching them, Lin Shiyu found it amusing. Seeing them having so much fun somehow lifted his spirits.

He realized that seeing familiar people being carefree had its benefits, reminding him that there was a lot of joy in the world beyond his own loneliness.

When Zhong Qi returned, Lin Shiyu was struggling with a problem at his desk. Zhong Qi, wiping the sweat from his chin with his collar, walked over and glanced at his workbook. “You got the control group wrong on question seven. You’re supposed to eliminate the effect of aquatic plants, so why did you include them?”

A sweaty Mao Silu came over, saying, “Shiyu, you’re so diligent with your homework.”

Zhong Qi closed Lin Shiyu’s workbook. “I’ll teach you tonight. Let’s go.”

They packed their bags and left the classroom together. Ruan Zhikai wiped the sweat from his hair and looked at them, asking, “Are you two going home together every day now?”

Zhong Qi answered, “More or less.”

“That’s rare.”

Lin Shiyu looked at him. “What do you mean?”

“Shiyu, don’t mind him. He’s just jealous,” Mao Silu said, pushing the complaining Ruan Zhikai aside and slinging an arm around Lin Shiyu’s shoulder. “Don’t just hang out with Zhong Qi. When are you going to play basketball with us? We always invite you, but you never come.”

“When did I only hang out with Zhong Qi?”

“You always sit with Zhong Qi at meals–”

“You sit next to us too!”

Zhong Qi pushed Mao Silu’s hand away and turned Lin Shiyu around, saying, “We’re here. Wait for me to get the bike.”

Before leaving, Mao Silu persistently called out to Lin Shiyu: “Shiyu, join us for basketball next time!” He was then dragged away by Ruan Zhikai, who found him annoying.

“Didn’t I teach you how to play basketball?” Zhong Qi asked as Lin Shiyu sat on the back of his bike. Lin Shiyu knew what he meant. Holding onto the bike seat, he made a frustrated face where Zhong Qi couldn’t see.

“I can never make a basket,” Lin Shiyu complained softly. “I’m not like you guys, making every shot.”

A faint chuckle drifted off with the wind. The wheels rolled over the concrete road, the wind blowing through their hair and clothes. Lin Shiyu caught a whiff of Zhong Qi’s fresh scent mixed with the healthy warmth of sweat, carried by the wind and enveloping him.

Lin Shiyu momentarily lost his train of thought.

The bike swerved from the main road onto a side path, winding its way into the power station neighborhood. Lin Shiyu exclaimed, “Hey, I haven’t gotten off yet.”

“Yeah,” Zhong Qi replied nonchalantly, gliding down a slope into the neighborhood’s basketball court. He stopped by a hoop and got off the bike, telling Lin Shiyu, “Wait here.”

Lin Shiyu stood by the bike, bewildered, watching Zhong Qi walk towards a low building by the court. It was the neighborhood activity room, usually left unattended. Zhong Qi approached the wall, lifted a hand to push open a tightly shut window, and then skillfully climbed inside by placing a foot on the wall.

Lin Shiyu: “…”

Shortly after, Zhong Qi emerged with a basketball, dusting off his hands as he walked back to Lin Shiyu.

Lin Shiyu: “I’m going to report you.”

Zhong Qi placed the ball in his hands, saying, “You’re my accomplice.”

Holding the basketball, Lin Shiyu asked, confused, “You want to play now?”

“Didn’t you want to make a basket?” Zhong Qi walked to the hoop and gestured for him to come over. “Come on.”

Lin Shiyu walked over. Zhong Qi said, “Closer.”

Lin Shiyu took another step until they were standing face to face, just a basketball’s distance apart. Lin Shiyu looked up, clearly seeing Zhong Qi’s deep black eyes reflecting his own image.

Zhong Qi bent down and lifted Lin Shiyu from the ground.

For a moment, Lin Shiyu almost dropped the ball. Zhong Qi, however, securely held his legs, seating him on his shoulders. “This distance should be good.”

Lin Shiyu was nearly scared to death. “What are you doing?!”

Zhong Qi held his waist calmly. “It’s a rare opportunity. Don’t you want to make a sure shot?”

“Y-you…” Lin Shiyu stammered. “Aren’t you worried about the weight?”

Zhong Qi answered honestly, “If you stay longer, I might be.”

Just as Lin Shiyu was about to struggle, Zhong Qi said, “Go ahead. Didn’t you want to make a basket?”

Lin Shiyu was stunned. Looking up at the close hoop, he began to wonder if Zhong Qi had lost his mind.

“It’s… it’s a bit unstable,” Lin Shiyu murmured, trying to aim for the hoop. “Move a bit closer.”

Alright, it seemed his own mind had been affected too.

Zhong Qi took a step forward. “How about now?”

“Touching it.”

With a thump, the basketball was pushed into the hoop, falling slowly and bouncing away.

Zhong Qi set Lin Shiyu back down.

“You made it,” Zhong Qi said. “Not bad.”

Lin Shiyu looked up at him in a daze, still trying to process what had just happened.

Zhong Qi asked, “Want to try again?”

“You…” Lin Shiyu’s eyes widened, unable to voice his stern words.

He saw the deep red clouds flying behind Zhong Qi, the setting sun’s glorious and romantic light burning dreamlike flames in the sky.

At that moment, he fell into Zhong Qi’s dark eyes, his heartbeat suddenly erratic, crashing into the colorful sky within Zhong Qi’s gaze.

The basketball finally stopped bouncing, rolling to an empty corner and coming to a standstill.



Edited by: Jaisland



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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. xiaoxiao

    and thats how our wolf cub fell for a sly human XD

  2. Tokka


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